Parish Council statement

Carlby Parish Council will act for the benefit of the village and villagers by:

1. regularly seeking villagers views about the village, principally via the Annual Parish Meeting and  the Open Forum

2. responding promptly to proposals from other authorities, companies or individuals which may affect the village

3. evaluating what could be done to make the village a better place to live, moving towards a  view of how we would wish the village to be  in the future.

This will be done within the statutory framework applying to the Parish Council.

Specifically, the Council will:

a. communicate what it does openly and actively via the   web site, email network  and by other appropriate means.

b. maintain and, where possible, enhance the assets for which it is responsible; and  actively seek parishioners’ feedback on  other facilities .

c. compile its precept with due consideration to Carlby’s needs and use it to the village’s benefit by  helping  organisations which provide facilities for all people of the  village. We will welcome regular reports from village organisations.

d. consider individual planning/development proposals with the aim of conserving the appearance and character of the village,  in accordance with District Council policy for development in ‘less sustainable’ villages

e. administer the affairs and meetings of the Council efficiently and  in accordance with adopted Standing Orders and Financial Regulations, and assess our effectiveness regularly. Councillors will be expected individually to be aware of issues affecting the village; and to act corporately when meeting as the Council, within the standards laid down by the relevant authorities.

f. have a clear  view of work ahead.