2021/22 Targets

Targets review: new targets for for 2021/22

Note by Ian Dair

With a welcome number of new Councillors now seems an appropriate time to look at our targets. An assessment of how we have done for 2020/21 is below and after that is a list of revised and new targets for the rest of 2021 into 2022. Despite the difficulties of working during Covid, some good progress has been made.


1. Promote results of speedwatch initiative and press for response from relevant authorities; take part in village speedwatch initiative when appropriate arrangements are made – this was hampered by lack of volunteers but needs to be taken up again

2. Maintain and use (and seek to extend) the email network; redesign the village website and review its effectiveness – little progress in extending the network; excellent work in creating new village website

3. Arrange appropriate training for new councillor via LALC - done

4. Re-open discussions on allotments with new owners as opportunity arises – in abeyance again as owners have shelved plans to develop EFI site

5. Issue statement of intent on encouraging biodiversity via council’s policy and practice – statement issued

On-going work

6. Seek to ensure that planning applications are assessed within the principle and detail of the Carlby Neighbourhood Development Plan – done. Developers seem now to be framing their proposals in awareness of the Plan

7. Carry out regular inspection, with necessary repairs and maintenance, of assets i.e. bus shelters, notice boards, defibrillator, emergency equipment, village sign; ensure that grit bins are filled as required – done, additional bin requested

8. Continue improving the engagement of the PC with villagers via village organisations, encourage financial planning amongst grant applicants, annually update the PC’s own 5 year financial plan – done, 3 year statement of intent over financing agreed with Playing Field Committee

9. Continue to press authorities about on-going issues - state of roads and footpaths, dog fouling, with emphasis on achieving measures for a safer crossing of main road at bus shelter - done

10. Ensure that Council proceedings and procedures accord with regulatory requirements and protocols e.g. DPA , Good Councillors Guide, Standing Orders (as guided by the Clerk) – done. With excellent guidance given by Clerk

Targets for rest of 2021 and into 2022

On-going work

a. Seek to ensure that planning applications continue to be assessed within the principle and detail of the Carlby Neighbourhood Development Plan

b. Carry out regular inspection, with necessary repairs and maintenance, of assets i.e. bus shelters, notice boards, defibrillator, emergency equipment, village sign; ensure that grit bins are filled as required

c. Continue improving the engagement of the PC with villagers via village organisations, encourage financial planning amongst grant applicants, annually update the PC’s own 5 year financial plan; assess effectiveness of 3 year statement of intent over financing agreed with Playing Field Committee

d. Continue to press authorities about on-going issues - state of roads and footpaths, dog fouling, with emphasis on achieving measures for a safer crossing of main road at bus shelter

e.Ensure that Council proceedings and procedures accord with regulatory requirements and protocols e.g. DPA , Good Councillors Guide, Standing Orders (as guided by the Clerk)


f. Review effectiveness and continuing relevance of Neighbourhood Development Plan

g. Arrange appropriate training for new councillors via LALC

h. Review ownership and management of village green and other green spaces currently managed by Persimmlon

i. Consult owners about possible Local Heritage Listing with aim of appropriate nomination to SKDC

j. Review effectiveness of Council’s communication methods

k. Continue to press on reducing speeding through the village; take part in village speedwatch initiative when appropriate arrangements can be made

l. In follow-up to biodiversity policy, consider in what ways Council may be able to initiate or encourage “greening” policies/actions to make Carlby a “sustainable” village, in support of the national need to combat climate change

m. understand and assess relevance of ParishesOnLine/PSGA

The above targets were agreed at the PC meeting on 28 September 2001

Minute Reference 21/22-72