2020/21 Targets

Targets for 2020/21 (agreed by PC July 2020 min.20/21-49)
1. Promote results of speedwatch initiative and press for response from relevant authorities; take
part in village speedwatch initiative when appropriate arrangements are made
2. Maintain and use (and seek to extend) the email network; redesign the village website and review
its effectiveness
3. Arrange appropriate training for new councillor via LALC
4. Re-open discussions on allotments with new owners as opportunity arises
5. Issue statement of intent on encouraging biodiversity via council’s policy and practice
On-going work
6. Seek to ensure that planning applications are assessed within the principle and detail of the Carlby
Neighbourhood Development Plan
7. Carry out regular inspection, with necessary repairs and maintenance, of assets i.e. bus shelters,
notice boards, defibrillator, emergency equipment, village sign; ensure that grit bins are filled as
8. Continue improving the engagement of the PC with villagers via village organisations, encourage
financial planning amongst grant applicants, annually update the PC’s own 5 year financial plan
9. Continue to press authorities about on-going issues - state of roads and footpaths, dog fouling,
with emphasis on achieving measures for a safer crossing of main road at bus shelter
10. Ensure that Council proceedings and procedures accord with regulatory requirements and
protocols e.g. DPA , Good Councillors Guide, Standing Orders (as guided by the Clerk)
To be reviewed at each meeting as required