2018 January 23


Chairman: Position Vacant, Vice-Chair: John Bavister,

Councillors: Ian Dair, Roger Easton, Ben Haines, Steve Markham, Isabel Robson.


Parish Clerk: Robin Morrison.

clerkcarlby@gmail.com                              07944 054546


Minutes of a Meeting held in Carlby Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 23 January 2018.


  1. To Record those present.

Vice Chair: John Bavister (Chair of Meeting)

Councillors: Ian Dair, Roger Easton, Ben Haines, Steve Markham, Isabel Robson.

LCC Councillor: Bob Adams, SKDC Councillor Martin Wilkins.

2 Members of the Public.


  1. To note apologies for absence.


  1. Declarations of Pecuniary interests.



  1. To Resolve that the Minutes of the meeting held on 21 November 2017 are a true record. Agreed and Signed by the Chair. Proposed: Steve Markham. Seconded: Roger Easton.


  1. Updates required.
  1. Clerk’s additional employment and benefits to expenses.


  1. Open Forum for members of the public.
  1. Resident with young children concerned about speeding motorists in High Street leaving the village to the west and asked what can we do about it?
  2. Condition of road surfaces in the village and on the A6121 are appalling, can anything be done?


  1. Reports from District and County Councillors.

Martin Wilkins: The District Council is busy discussing Council Tax options for 2018/19, the likeliest outcome would seem to be an increase per household of £5.00 a year for band D properties.


Just to remind everyone there is a Planning Evening at the Toft House Hotel at 7.30pm on 31 January 2018. This is an opportunity for anyone interested to talk to Planning Officers.


  1. What highways schemes would you like to see in your division? From Bob Adams.

Response from Councillors:

  1. Traffic speeding on A6121.
  2. Improved road maintenance, to tackle poor road surfaces and potholes.




  1. Map and Statement of Right of Way Committee from Bob Adams.

Discussion on conditions of local footpaths. SKDC Footpath Officer is Chris Miller.

  1. To approve email distribution of Meetings’ summons.

Agreed. Proposed: Roger Easton. Seconded: Ben Haines.

  1. Financial matters.
  1. Cash book, Cash flow perspective, bank statement alignment sign-off.

Noted and signed by Councillors.

  1. Neighbourhood plan expenditure balance sheet.
  3. To approve use of online banking.

Agreed. Proposed: Roger Easton. Seconded: Isabel Robson.

  1. To approve Direct Debit for Clerk's salary.

Agreed. Proposed: Roger Easton. Seconded: Isabel Robson.


  1. Sanction of Payments as Approval Document dated 23.01.18.
  1. Clerk, Expenses and Overtime for October, November and December, £118.68.
  2. Hmrc, Clerk Tax for December, £51.00. (Already Paid)
  3. Roger Easton, Neighbourhood Plan travel to Plan-it, £28.80. (Already Paid)
  4. Steve Markham, Village Sign collection, travel, £72.85.
  5. Signs of the Times, Village Sign, £3,300.00.
  6. Lalc, Councillor Training, £20.00.
  7. Spiegl Press, Printing of A5 Neighbourhood Plan leaflet, £31.96.
  8. Clerk, Stationery, Wilko lever arch files £3.00.
  9. Community Rights Programme, repayment of unspent grant, £430.87.

Agreed and Approval Document Signed by Councillors.


  1. Ordering goods and services protocol.


  1. Planning:
  1. S17/2446, The Poplars, Barn Conversion.

It was Agreed to make the following comment to SKDC Planning Department:

‘The Parish Council feels that the existing access is adequate and would strongly resist any further destruction of the Carlby Dry Stone wall, which forms part of the character of the village. And, accords with the statements in the adopted Village Design Statement and the emerging Neighbourhood Development Plan of Carlby.’

Action Clerk via SKDC web page.

  1. S17/1876, 1a The Avenue. Change of exterior material from Bradstone to Stamford Stone. Permission Granted.


  1. Neighbourhood Development plan update.

Plan is nearly ready to present for Regulation 15. It was Agreed to submit the document when finalised to SKDC but to also send the documents to Sarah Watson of SKDC, to meet her request of an opportunity to see the revised Plan one or two weeks before formal submission to the LPA. Proposed: Ian Dair. Seconded: Ben HainesAction John Bavister.

  1. Regulatory Documents for 2018/19.

Progress Noted.


  1. Correspondence distributed:
  1. Lalc News.
  2. LCVS Funding Newsletter.
  3. Community Lincs Newsletter.
  4. Lincs Alert, Fraudulent ‘Government Grants.
  5. Neighbourhood Watch Newsletter.


  1. Data Protection: New Legislation. Decision on Data Protection Officer.

It was Noted that NALC have advised that the Officer should not be a Councillor or Clerk and that NALC are attempting to provide an answer to this.


  1. Speedwatch programme. Volunteers to be trained using a radar gun and recording registrations to be forwarded to the police.

It was Noted that advertisements appealing for volunteers would be placed in the Church Newsletter and on the Playing Field’s Facebook. Action by John Bavister - Church News Letter, Isabel Robson -Facebook.


  1. Target agreements 2018/19:  Bi-Monthly review.

It was Noted that good progress had been made on: Neighbourhood Plan, Village Sign, Training for Councillors, Plaque for tree, Speedwatch. Isabel Robson had offered to research signs for prevention of Dog Fouling.


  1. Members' naming protocol.

It was Noted that titles would cease to be used on Council documents and that first name and surname only would be used.


  1. Bus Shelter painting, obtaining quotes.

Steve Markham offered to get quotes for the work.


  1. Dates of the meetings in 2018 to be on the fourth Tuesday in every second month,


  1. Date of next meeting 27 March 2018.


  1. Meeting was Closed at 9.35pm.


This is a true record of the Meeting ………………………………………… Chair.22 March 2018.