2024 November 19 - Parish Council Meeting

Minutes of Carlby Parish Council Meeting held on 19 November 2024 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall


Present: Cllrs.  John Bavister (Chairman), Steve Markham (Vice Chair), Chris Barnes, and Karina Neal.

In Attendance:  County  & District Cllrs. Penny Robins and Charlotte Vernon and Sarah Gresty Parish Clerk.


Public Forum: There were no public in attendance.




24/25-64 Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs. Sweeting and K Neal.  These were unanimously accepted.

24/25-65 Disclosable Pecuniary Interests:  There were none declared.

24/25-66 Minutes of previous meetings dated:

a.18 September 2024 Parish Council Meeting was presented as a true and accurate record of events Cllr Barnes proposed acceptance, Seconded Cllr. K Neal and unanimous in favour-RESOLVED.

24/25-67 County and District Councillors Reports

a.Cllr Vernon - LCC

There was a well-attended meeting on 15 November headed by Alicia Kearns MP regarding problems with the A1.  Various improvement options were discussed: Addition 3rd lane; closing a number of the central crossings; longer slip roads; banning lorries from overtaking in certain hours; making some junctions left turn only and a possible 50 mph speed limit at Great Ponton.  None of these are confirmed or indeed quick fixes but will be fed back to Highways England.  Updates will come out in due course.

Winter Fuel allowance A plea was given to anyone who could be eligible and urge them to apply. Various ways of applying are available.  Deadline is 21st December.  Claims are taking approximately 6-9 weeks for the DWP to process.

Dementia wrist band.  Just to remind everyone about this initiative for people with dementia.  The wrist band, if scanned, shares contact details of the wearer.  A very good idea for protecting the more vulnerable members of our community.

Fix my Street is still the best way to report problems.  Styles on footpaths can only be replaced if they belong to LCC.

Vehicles at B1176 crossroads LCC Highways are investigating.  Cllr. Vernon suggested having a word with owners to ask them to park their largest lorry further away from the road edge.

Cllr. Penny Robins Report

I have been in correspondence with Cllr. Markham regarding the verges.   The SKDC big clean/little clean initiative is now on a case by case basis purely depended of available resources.  The verges are County Council.

There is to be an extension to the Stamford Cattle Market Carpark to provide more spaces.

St Martins Park (the old Cummins site) there is now a plan for commercial and residential area.

SKDC have an Air Quality Action Plan which will set out SKDC actions for tackling air pollution in the district over the next 5 years.  There is a consultation process in place.

Prince William Barracks in Grantham there holding sessions for the public for the proposed major development.

Customer Service points for help available:

Bourne Corn Exchange Mond/Wed/Friday drop in centre

Stamford Arts Centre has a service point which is available when the Arts centre is open

Flood Emergency Plan.  An SKDC Officer would like to visit Carlby to talk about its emergency plans.   He will be invited to a parish council meeting.

a.Police Reports are received and circulated and made available on the website upon receipt.

Cllr. Vernon had requested from the Police and Crime Commissioner if the parishes could receive quarterly reports of trends of crime in the area.

24/25-68  Highways Matters

  • Kerb side cleaning with road sweeper.  Cllr Robins had answered this (above) regarding the big clean little clean.
  • Safety Issues.  The crossroad at the B1176 is dangerous and needs more signage and road markings.    Action:  LCC are involved with this issue and Cllr. Vernon will pursue this further.
  • B1176 damage to the inner verge, where heavy vehicles have broken the road surface up badly.  Action:  Cllr. Vernon will take this issue forward.
  • Greatford junction with the A6121.  The hedge/brambles/rubbish restricting visibility toward Essendine.  Action:  Cllr. Vernon will take this issue forwards.

Other Highways Action: Bus shelters need a brush and wipe – Cllr. Markham.

24/25-69  To receive issue within the Parish. 

  • Grit bins – LCC potential removal of a bin.  The clerk was requested to make contact with LCC to replace 2 of the broken grit bins.  LCC came back saying that with new current criteria the grit bins should be removed as Carlby did not qualify under the new policy.  Cllr. Bavister responded with a full report on why these bins should be retained, there is also an issue with standing water on the corner at the Church Street location.   LCC have agreed to retain and replace the bin at the village hall location, however are still wanting to remove the one opposite Church Street.  Action:  Cllr. Vernon to contact Tim Hunter of LCC to argue its retention and also to investigate the standing water issue.
  • Mower Use and Insurance.  It was noted that the mower has been SORN’d with the DVLA for the winter and insurance for use in the spring is being sort.

24/25-70 Finance & General Purposes.

a.Financial Report for the period 01 April 2024 to 31 October 2024 with original bank statements

b.Payments as follows:

A/c Ref


To Whom





Carlby Playing Fields

24/25 grant




PCC St Stephen's church

24/25 grant





Qtr 2 Tax & NIC




S Gresty

Qtr 2 salary




First Fence

inv 05040 - knee high fencing




S Gresty

Qtr 2 expenses




Orange Pippin Trees





Fulney Sand & Gravel

invoice 28


Proposal:   To accept, adopt and resolve the financial records presented above.  Proposed Cllr. Bavister and seconded Cllr. Markham unanimous in favour.   

c.Draft budget for 2025/26.   The draft budget was presented and discussed in full.  Various small adjustments would be required.   The budget will be represented and resolved at the January Meeting.

d.Lloyds Bank charges commencing 14 January 2025 at £51 per year were accepted by the Parish Council.

24/25-71 Planning Issues:   There were no planning application to discuss.

24/25-72 Defibrillator Warranty at an end.

Proposal:  To purchase a new unit from Wel Medical at a cost of £850 + VAT unless a cheaper unit can be found.  Proposed by Cllr. Bavister, Seconded Cllr. K Neal and unanimously resolved.

Free CPR Training by LeisureSK.  Proposal:  To purchase biscuits and refreshments for the event.   Proposed Cllr. Bavister, Seconded Cllr. Barnes and unanimous in favour.

24/25-73  Correspondence was noted from the Agenda.

A letter had been circulated prior to the meeting from a resident complaining about the style being removed from the footpath at Stoney Glen.   A copy of the clerks reply to the resident had also been circulated.   The resident had not responded further.  So, it is assumed this issue is closed.

The ‘Welcome to Carlby Leaflet’ was discussed and it was decided to resurrect this for newcomers to the village.   The clerk will co ordinate information from various village groups.

24/25-74  To receive items for future meetings

Cllr. Vernon to chase 30mph speed signs requested.

Cllr. Markham gave a short update report on the Playing field Committee to the meeting.   This will be an item on the next Agenda to receive any updates.


The meeting closed at 20:51

Date of the next meetings: 2025  Thursday 9 Jan, Wed 5th Mar, Wed 14th May, Wed 9th Jul, Wed 3 Sept, Tue 4th Nov.