September 18 - Parish Council Meeting

Minutes of Carlby Parish Council Meeting held on 18 September 2024 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall
Present: Cllrs. John Bavister (Chairman), Lesley Sweeting, Chris Barnes, Kim Neal and Karina Neal.
In Attendance:  0 members of the public and Sarah Gresty-Parish Clerk
Public Forum: No-one present.
Apologies for absence were received from Cllr. Markham.  These apologies were unanimously accepted.
Other Apologies: from Cllr. Penny Robins.
Disclosable Pecuniary Interests:  There were none.
Minutes of :
a) 17 July 2024 Parish Council Meeting were presented as a true and accurate record of events.  Proposed acceptance Cllr. Barnes, Seconded Cllr. Sweeting and unanimous in favour-RESOLVED
b) 31 July 2024 Extra Ordinary Parish Council Meeting were presented as a true and accurate record of events.  Proposed acceptance Cllr. Karina Neal, Seconded Cllr. Kim Neal and unanimous in favour-RESOLVED
Reports from:
a) County and District Councillors.  No reports received.
Action: Clerk to report broken grit bins on fix my street.
Clerk to report to SKDC Dog Warden increase in fouling in the village.
b) Police Reports are received and circulated and made available on the website upon receipt.
Finance & General Purposes.
a) Financial Report for the period 01 April 2024 to 31 August 2024 with original bank statements and online statement to 02/09/2024 were presented by the Clerk
b) Payments as follows:
A/c Ref  Date        To Whom / Description               £
15          01/08/24 J Bavister mower expenses       £52.12 
16          01/08/24 S Gresty Qtr 1 clerk expenses   £198.59 
17          01/08/24 DVLA mower registration           £55.00 
18          20/08/24 J Bavister mower expenses       £25.37 
19          20/08/24 LALC inv15082 cllr training        £36.00 
20          20/08/24 S Markham Cllr. expenses         £31.66 
21          21/08/24 J Bavister mower number plate inv332889 £30.47
22          21/08/24 C Barnes inv0708204sc tree guards           £299.94 
23          21/08/24 ICO data protection annual sub                   £35.00 
Proposal: To resolve all payments above.  Cllr. Kim Neal, Seconded Cllr. Sweeting and unanimous in favour.
c) Income noted
Date            A/c Ref  From Whom Description £
08/08/2024 I6           SKDC Orchard grant £508.49
Proposal: To resolve and adopt all the financial records above.  Cllr. Bavister, Seconded Cllr. Barnes and unanimous in various.
Cllr. Bavister reported on the mower running costs and it was thought that £1k has been saved so far.  Discussion on final secure storage of the mower was being researched.
Grant Applications considered.  
a) Carlby Playing Fields Committee £2200 towards tree removal works
Proposal: To award the sum of £2,200 under s.137 of Local Government Act 1972.  Proposed Cllr. Sweeting,  Seconded Cllr. Karina Neal and unanimous in favour-RESOLVED.
b) St Stephen’s PCC £1500 upkeep of grass and footpath 
Proposal: To award the sum of £1,500 under s.137 of Local Government Act 1972.  Proposed Cllr. Kim Neal,  Seconded Cllr. Barnes and unanimous in favour-RESOLVED.
c) St Stephen’s PCC an amount towards the toilet funding.  Further funds in the 2024/25 budget under s.137 were not available to fulfil this request.
Planning Issues:  
Planning applications since the last meeting. 
• S24/1382 1 High Street, Carlby. Proposed Rear Extension and Proposed Conversion of Garage with New pitched roof
Response agreed:  Standard Parish Council response to be submitted.
• S24/1248 Eastern Farm Implements Ltd, Discharge of conditions
Response agreed: No further comments to add to condition 6 and 7 being discharged.    
Defibrillator update
a) The Warranty for our unit is coming to an end.  The original defibrillator unit was purchased in 2015, this unit is currently back with the supplier and a temporary units is in place in the cabinet for use.   A quote for a new unit of £850 + VAT has been received.
Action. c/f to next meeting for resolution.
b) Free CPR Training by LeisureSK.  The Clerk had applied for free CPR and defibrillator training.   Confirmation is waited for Tuesday 3 December, the village hall has kindly agreed to supply the venue for free, and the Parish Council would provide refreshments. Action: TBC.
Risk Assessment review.  
Proposal:  To resolve and adopt the reviewed Risk Assessment as presented.  Cllr. Bavister, Seconded Cllr. Barnes and unanimous in favour.
The Clerk thanked Cllr. Sweeting for her help with reviewing this document.
Carlby Target Review. 
Document was reviewed and updated.
Action: Clerk to circulate updated document and upload to website.
24/25-61 Considerations of maintenance of playing field entrance of parking area. 
A discussion on recent parking issues took place.  Action: Clerk to write to encroaching hedge owner on High Street.
24/25-62  Correspondence was noted from the agenda
Additional items presented by the Clerk:
1. Lincolnshire Police – Safety and security of locally elected officials with regards to intimidating or harassment.  
2. LALC AGM with update on the National Planning Policy Framework 24th September
3. Community Resilience Plan – template for a formalised plan with SKDC
Items for future meetings
Draft Budget
Receipt of grant applications for 2025/26
The Meeting Closed at 21:05
Date of the next meetings: 19 Nov 2024