January 16 - Parish Council Meeting

Minutes of The Carlby Parish Council Meeting held on 16 January 2024 at 19:30 in the Village Hall

Present: Cllrs. Pete Holland (Chairman) John Bavister (Vice Chair), Lesley Sweeting, Chris Barnes and 
Steve Markham.
In Attendance:  2 Members of the public, LCC County Cllr. Charlotte Vernon and Sarah Gresty Parish Clerk.
Public Forum: 
A member of the public, who was an applicant for one of the planning applications on the agenda, gave an outline of his rationale for his planning application.  Having been refused previously he had amended his plans.  He was attending to listen to comments and answer any questions.
Public forum closed at 19:33
23/24-90 Apologies: none received.
Other Apologies had been received from District Cllr. Penny Robins
23/24-91 Disclosure of Pecuniary Interests: There were none.
23/24-92  Minutes: of :
a) 21 November 2023 Parish Council meeting were approved as a true and accurate recorded of events proposed Cllr. Markham, Seconded Cllr. Barnes and unanimously voted in favour. RESOLVED.
23/24-93 Casual Vacancies.  None had been received.
23/24-94 Reports from:
a)County and District Councillors 
Cllr. Penny Robins had sent apologies.  Her only update, being that the first purple bin collections would start in February.  A discussion took place regarding the bins having to be placed on the kerb for collection, in some areas of the village this would result in the pathways being blocked.  Clarification would be requested.  It was also noted that quite a few villagers did not get the SKDC letter explaining the bin collections.
Cllr. Charlotte Vernon commented on the commencement of the Devolution Consultation Road Shows events and urged as many to attend as possible.  Voting at Full Council will take place in March.  She confirmed that there had been quite a few responses online so far, through the LetsTalk.lincolnshire.gov.uk website.
Carlby cross roads.  Several parishes including Little and Castle Bytham have also raised this dangerous junction this has also been raised with LCC Highways and will be followed up.
Flooding has been completely unprecedented with the worst affected villages in the area being Greatford, Little and Castle Bythams.  Please make people aware that they can apply for property flood resilient grant up to £5k. if they have experienced internal flood damage to homes or businesses. LCC are doing a full assessment after this recent flooding.
It was confirmed that no homes in Carlby had been flooded, however, there is still a collapsed drain causing flooding on High Street (drain is blocked between the end of Manor Road and The Avenue). Cllr. Vernon will add this to the Gully cleansing list.
Cllr. Markham suggested that more ditch and drain maintenance should be undertaken, this would help several areas that flood on a regular basis.  
b)Police  Reports are received and circulated and made available on website/noticeboard upon receipt.
23/24-95 Finance & General Purposes : 
a) Budget and Precept Request for 2024/25 Financial Year.                                                         
Resolution: to adopt and resolve a precept request based on the 2024/25 financial year budget of £10,490.  This increase equates to a 10.70% equivalent to £49.00 per annum for a band D tax rate household.
Proposed Cllr. Bavister, Seconded Cllr. Sweeting and unanimous in favour RESOLVED
b) Financial Report for the period 01 April 2023 to 31 December 2023 with bank statements was presented by the clerk
c) Resolve Payments as follows:
23/24-96 Unipart Rail Ltd quote 20262276 battery 331.82
23/24-97 Carlby Village Hall pc meeting rental 48.00
23/24-98 P Holland Homebase-emergency store 160.00
23/24-99 S Gresty Qtr 3 salary + back pay NJC scale 776.64
23/24-100 HMRC Qtr 3 Tax & NIC 194.20
23/24-101 Carlby Village Hall rent for 18 Jan meeting 8.00
Proposal: to resolve to adopt the financial records above for the current financial year as a true and accurate record.  Proposed  Cllr. Holland, Seconded Cllr. Markham and unanimous in favour. RESOLVED.
23/24-102  Planning  Applications discussed:

S23/2362 Chestnuts Barn, 62 High Street – removal of agricultural building and erection of dwelling.

This was a new application having had a subsequent application refused.  Cllr. Holland read out the response to the previous application made by the Parish Council.   A revised response document had been circulated prior to the meeting to Councillors for comment for which Cllr. Holland gave the following summary:

• The proposed demolition and development site is outside the village curtilage and envelope, contrary to what the application claims. This is supported by references to the Neighbourhood Plan definition of infill, planning history showing the site was previously agricultural land, and removal of the northern boundary and trees.

• The site should be protected as a green space according to the Neighbourhood Plan, even though it wasn't explicitly mapped as such originally. This is because it meets the criteria for protection and the intention was to protect adjoining agricultural grazing land.

• The claimed access to the site was not historically used for the stable barn, only for the adjacent Chestnut Barn dwelling. The stable barn was accessed from the west.

• The applicant's fallback position of permitted development rights is questionable and doesn't necessarily take precedence over planning policy. The proposal likely exceeds what would be allowed under Class Q and requires prior approval.

• The proposed access and servicing arrangements via the existing narrow access are impractical and would harm neighbour amenity through noise and disturbance.


Proposal 1: The summary above, with the supporting documentation circulated by Cllr. Bavister prior to the meeting, is submitted to the case office as CPC’s objection to the application following that previously submitted.

Proposed Cllr. Bavister, Seconded Cllr. Markham and unanimous in favour. 


Proposal 2:  Cllr. Holland proposed to agree with proposal 1 above, but when submitted to restate CPC’s pre proposal that CPC are not opposed to this barn becoming a dwelling. 

Proposed Cllr. Holland, Seconded Cllr. Sweeting, 1 abstention and 2 against.   Decision Majority Against proposal 2 not resolved.


Decision:  Proposal 1 unanimously RESOLVED



S23 2348 - 24 High Street – proposed detached dwelling.  It was noted that the previous permission for this application had lapsed and the resubmission was the same application resubmitted.

Proposal.   CPC will support this application but would highlight that the current plan adheres to the ridge and eve heights on the application when the decision is made.

Proposed Cllr. Holland, Seconder Cllr. Markham and unanimous in favour.  RESOLVED.

23/24-103 Highways B1176 Crossroads – Cllr. Steve Markham had circulated a letter setting out concerns regarding the junction and the need for additional correct signage and other measures.  Cllr. Vernon would use Cllr. Markham’s letter to address this issue again with LCC Highways.
Cllr. Markham offered his availability for an onsite meeting.
Further concerns were expressed at the large vehicles parked on the highway verge.  Action: clerk to approach owners.
23/24-104 Persimmon Land.  
Proposal:  To sign TP1 transfer of title for public open space of land at Templeman Drive – (area’s marked red on the attached plan) for CPC to take ownership.
Proposed Cllr. Bavister, Seconded Cllr. Holland and unanimous in favour. RESOLVED.   
Action: On Completion of land transfer tasks are to clear the footpath and install an ascot fence at the path edge.
23/24-105 Emergency Plan kit.  Cllr. Holland had now installed the external storage unit at the side of the village hall which houses the non perishable elements of the emergency kit.
Action:  To produce a leaflet to inform villagers of the principles of the kits and its function.
23/24-106   Bus Shelters. 
Proposal:  After investigation to replace the bus shelters had been unsuccessful due to costs and no funding being available for large grants, CPC propose to pursue funding for revamping the shelters.  Proposed Cllr. Barnes, Seconded Cllr. Markham and unanimous in favour. RESOLVED.
a) Cllr. Barnes gave an update of the applications to the Community Ownership Fund grant ‘Expression of Interest’ to be submitted by 31st January.   She was still awaiting some quotes for repair works. She thanked Cllr. Holland for the work done so far in clearing around the shelters and Cllr. Markham would clean the leaves and debris from inside next week.
Cllr. Markham asked if we could possibly consider a bench seat inside.
b) To organise a volunteer work party to clear the surrounding vegetation.  Cllr. Holland is progressing with this.
23/24-107 Greater Lincolnshire Devolution Consultation.  CPC would continue to encourage residents to have their say to this consultation.
23/24-108   Correspondence was noted from the agenda
Essendine Village correspondence.  Adele Stainsby from Essendine Village Hall invites teams from Carlby to an inter-village quiz night on Saturday 24 February 2024.
Free CPR Training by SKDC.  Action: Clerk is pursuing a date for this event.
23/24-109   To receive Items for Future Meetings
An Extra Ordinary Parish Council meeting has been called for 18th January to discuss the future of the Playing Fields Committee.
Date of future meetings:  2024: 19 Mar, 21 May, 17 Jul, 17 Sept, 19 Nov
Meeting Closed @ 20:50