2020 May 26 - Minutes
Minutes of Carlby Parish Council held via a Zoom link to enable safe practice of self isolation and distancing practice on Tuesday, 26 May 2020 commencing at 7.30 pm
20/21-01 Chairman’s Welcome. Cllr. John Bavister opened the meeting by welcoming everyone who had dialled in.
20/21-02 Record of members who have dialled in. Councillors: John Bavister (JB), Steve Markham(SM), Ian Dair(ID), Benjamin Haines(BH), Isobel Robson(IR), Angela Cardew(AC), LCC County Councillor Bob Adams, SKDC County Councillors Chris Benn, Sarah Gresty-Parish Clerk and 2 members of the public.
20/21-03 To Note apologies for absence. There were none.
20/21-04 Declarations of Pecuniary interests. There were none.
20/21-05 Co-options. There were none.
20/21-06 To Agree the procedure for signing documents on this Agenda. To take place by postal circulation.
20/21-07 To approve Minutes. Extraordinary Parish Council Minutes of 24 March 2020.
Virtual voting process (f=For, A=Abstain, X=Against) (P) proposer (S) Seconder
Cllr. |
JB |
SM |
ID |
BH |
IR |
AC |
Decision |
F (P) |
F (S) |
F |
F |
F |
F |
20/21-08 Open Forum for members of the public dialled in.
- A member of the public who lives in High Street reported an incident with speeding traffic through the village. “Alongside the straight bit of road between two bends we’ve always had an issue of cars speeding past our house. When the speed signs went up it did help cut down the speed of a lot of cars. Since lockdown I have noticed the speed of the cars coming through the village has increased. Last week a car clipped my sons handle bar whilst he was doing his paper round. He was cycling towards the Avenue past the village green and the car came round the bend towards him on his side of the road at quite a speed. The car did not stop, but my son did come off his bike and his knees have taken the brunt! It has shaken him up & unfortunately he could not give me much info on the car. Please could the speeding through the village be looked at again.”
- Cllr Steve Markham offered to take on the responsibility for the mobile speed awareness sign and would reinstall them and move them around the village at strategic points.
It was noted that the collection of data although maybe not the most important part of the camera was used to feed back to the Community Speed Watch for information.A community speed watch needs at least 5 volunteers to run.A group of volunteers had not been forthcoming.
Cllr John Bavister did stress that all incidents should be reported to 111 so the police had a formal record.
20/21-09 Adoption of Standing orders April 2020 (updated by NALC to include new legislation to cover the Covid-19 crisis arrangements) pre-circulated for adoption.
Virtual voting process (f=For, A=Abstain, X=Against) (P) proposer (S) Seconder
Cllr. |
JB |
SM |
ID |
BH |
IR |
AC |
Decision |
F (P) |
F (S) |
F |
F |
F |
F |
Financial matters
20/21-10 To accept Financial Report for the year 01 April 2019 to 31 March 2020.
20/21-11 To declare exemption from limited Assurance review.
20/21-12 To accept Annual Governance Statement 2019/20. (AGAR)
20/21-13 Commencement date for the exercise of public rights set as 30 Sept – 30 Nov 2020
20/21-14 To Agree Insurance provision with Came & Co commencing 01/06/2020. Action: Cllr. Isobel Robson to research a collective policy for the village hall, playing field and Parish Council for comparison of costs.
20/21-15 To accept Assets Register.
Collective voting items 20/21-10 to 20/21-15
Virtual voting process (f=For, A=Abstain, X=Against) (P) proposer (S) Seconder
Cllr. |
JB |
SM |
ID |
BH |
IR |
AC |
Decision |
F (P) |
F |
F |
F |
F (S) |
F |
To Approve Payments as follows:
20/21-16 LALC/NALC membership subscription £158.50 – already paid
20/21-17 S Gresty – Note and receive Clerks timesheet for 2019/20 and Clerk expenses from Nov 19-31 March £91.18
20/21-18 S Gresty – auditor thank you gift £33.50
20/21-19 Came & Co insurance to 31.5.2021 £352.36
To Note the Receipts as follows:
20/21-20 SKDC Precept for 2020/21 £8469.
Collective voting items 20/21-16 to 20/21-20
Virtual voting process (f=For, A=Abstain, X=Against) (P) proposer (S) Seconder
Cllr. |
JB |
SM |
ID |
BH |
IR |
AC |
Decision |
F (P) |
F (S) |
F |
F |
F |
F |
20/21-21 Reports from District and County Councillors.
Cllr. Chris Benn Report as follows:
You should all be aware SK Community Hub is open between 8am to 7pm, seven days a week and can be contacted by phone on 01476 406177 or via email at SKCommunityHub@southkesteven.gov.uk. If residents contact you offering support or needing assistance please signpost them to the above.
The public consultation for St Martin’s Park begins on Monday 18 May. An eight-page newsletter will be delivered to 1,300 homes and businesses closest to the site.
This newsletter will invite residents and interested parties to a series of hour-long virtual focus groups taking place between 26 May and 4 June 2020.
There will be a maximum of eight virtual focus groups that will be run on the video-conferencing app Zoom, and up to eight residents will be able to book places on them to discuss the proposals with the project team. Attendance is on a first come, first served basis, however, priority will be given to those living closest to the site.
A website www.stmartinspark-stamford.co.uk giving full details of the proposals and the consultation will also go live on 18 May 2020. It will include an online survey.
Throughout the consultation period residents and stakeholders can send in their questions over the phone, via email and through the post.
The email is: consultation@stmartinspark-stamford.co.uk
The Freepost address is FREEPOST – ST MARTIN’S PARK
The Freephone number is 0800 652 9208
Residents without access to a computer can still get involved by dialling in by phone to the focus groups, requesting a hard copy of the survey, writing to the Freepost address or calling the Freephone number. The consultation closes on Sunday 14 June.
It is hard to keep an up to date picture of what is going on, however, continue to take precautions with non-household members, be aware that you may be infectious (you will not experience symptoms until day 3), and above all remember how serious it can be if you are in any way susceptible. Stay alert and out of crowds.
Turning to the issue of money, the finance team are working very hard to forecast the short-term and long-term implications of the lockdown. A revised budget will be put to Council in September. There should be no immediate cause for concern, we are a relatively wealthy council.
Cllr Ian Dair asked for more information regarding SKDC Green Infrastructure Strategy
. Action: Cllr Dair to circulate the strategy link.
Cllr. Bob Adams report as follows:
- You may have seen a press report talking about some £50m coming to LCC from
Government. For clarification, £40m has already been allocated so the extra is some
As I understand it the money will be allocated roughly as follows;
£4.5m to Principal road repairs
£2.00m to footway improvements
£2.00 to re-tread works in the rural areas
£3.5M to patching/pothole repairs
£1.0m to repairing concrete surfaces
£1.00m to minor repairs to such as pedestrian crossings
The new contractors have fed back to us that the utility companies, principally BT and Anglian Water have a 80% failure in properly repairing road surfaces. Please let me know of any in your Parish that would come under this category. - Care for elderly and young people. Government are supporting county councils.
- LCC and SKDC are financially sound, with Government funding for losses of revenue and district as well.
Cllr. Isabel Robson asked if there are still provisions for cycle pathways. Cllr. Adams confirmed that provisions are still being considered in planning. Suggested looking at Transport Strategy for the City of Lincoln, which is being used as a blueprint for other district schemes.
Cllr. Steve Markham questioned the timing of the advance warning signs for the surface dressing being put out too early. Cllrs Adams suggested he would prefer them too early so the warning and dates could be observed but took on board comments.
20/21-22 Planning: To Note the following applications:
S20/0479 Proposed change of use land from an agricultural field to a ‘doggy daycare’.Land use (SU Generis) with associated buildings, driveway and hardstanding areas) Site Location Easting 505065 Northing 314009 Carlby.Field on the North side of High Street, To the West of Carlby.
After general discussion more information was required to make a formal reply from the Parish Council.The clerk was tasked with asking the Planning Officer:
1. How many dogs are there intended to be each day? There was a concern over what noise this might cause.
2. Is there a proven need for this facility in the area?
3. Is there a figure for traffic movements. Increase in traffic is always a very sensitive issue in villages.
Action: Clerk to contact SKDC Planning Officer and report back.
Virtual voting process (f=For, A=Abstain, X=Against) (P) proposer (S) Seconder
Cllr. |
JB |
SM |
ID |
BH |
IR |
AC |
Decision |
F (P) |
F |
F (S) |
F |
F |
F |
20/21-23 Welland River Trust Community Engagement – Cllr. Ian Dair suggested inviting a speaker to the next face to face PC meeting.
Virtual voting process (f=For, A=Abstain, X=Against) (P) proposer (S) Seconder
Cllr. |
JB |
SM |
ID |
BH |
IR |
AC |
Decision |
F |
F (S) |
F (P) |
F |
F |
F |
Action: Clerk to contact Trust to arrange contact when able.
20/21-24 Playing Field update. Cllr. Angela Cardew reported the committee are pushing ahead and trying to purchase 2 benches and Angela’s husband has agreed to install them as contractors during the Covid-19 crisis are unavailable. A bike rack is also hoped to be installed.
An unknown resident has fitted a basket ball net.
Cllr Steve Markham offered to become a member of the Playing Field Committee.
To receive Grants to Local Organisations
20/21-25 Carlby Bowls Club – Grant of £250 requested for repairs
Virtual voting process (f=For, A=Abstain, X=Against) (P) proposer (S) Seconder
Cllr. |
JB |
SM |
ID |
BH |
IR |
AC |
Decision |
F |
F (P) |
F |
F |
F (S) |
F |
20/21-26 Friends of St Stephens Church – grant for upkeep of grass/hedges/trees in the church yard £1,200
Virtual voting process (f=For, A=Abstain, X=Against) (P) proposer (S) Seconder
Cllr. |
JB |
SM |
ID |
BH |
IR |
AC |
Decision |
F |
F |
F |
F (S) |
F |
F (P) |
20/21-27 Correspondence. Received from last meeting was noted.
20/21-28 Items for future meetings
- British Red Cross grant request.
- Cllr. Steve Markham wanted to thank Cllrs. Isobel Robson and Angela Cardew for all their hard work in the Covid-19 support group in the village. Noted that no additional expenses have been incurred in this support service.
- Speeding cars through the village, Purchase of new speed signs and update of speed indication sign results
- SKDC Green Infrastructure Strategy
- Collective Insurance Policy
20/21-29 Date of next meetings 28 July 2020 at 7.30 pm venue TBC
The meeting closed at 21:14