2020 Jan 28 - Minutes


Minutes of the Meeting of Carlby Parish Council

on Tuesday, 28 January 2020 commencing at 7.30 pm in Carlby Village Hall.






20/78              To Note apologies for absence. Were received from Cllr Ben Haines and Cllr Bob Adams.


20/79              To declare Declarations of Pecuniary interests on items on this agenda. There were                none.


                        To Agree the Minutes of the:

20/80                          Parish Council Meeting held on 26 November 2019. RESOLVED


20/81              Matters Arising from the Minutes: There were none.


20/82              Open Forum for members of the public in attendance. (this session is for members of                                                        the public to comment on specific items on this agenda, also they may bring issues for possible consideration at                                      future meetings)


  1. a member of the public mentioned the poor state of roads.  Cllr Steve Markham keeps reporting issues on fix my street however the repairs are taking a long time.


20/83              Co-option of Parish Councillor. There were none.


20/84              Reports from District and County Councillors.

  1. Cicle festival event had shown a small profit. However, as this did not generate an injection of money into the local economy which was its aim, this event would probably not be repeated.  A similar event is being discussed with Bourne Town Council however details not finalised.


  1. The Local Plan will be approved on Thursday 30th January at full Council Meeting, parts of which have already started to be printed in the public domain.  No immediate worried for Carlby only points to note are to defend infill spaces. 


  1. The chair asked if there was a problem with planning application decisions as they were taking a very long time.  This seemed to be county wide due to large turnover of Planning Officers etc.  Cabinet Member for planning has resigned replaced by Robert Reid. 


  1. Climate Change Task and Finish group.   Good ideas within the council.  Environment  Committee will have to debate and make recommendations.  



                        Financial matters.

20/85              To approve Receipts and Payments account and bank reconciliation to 31/12/2019-                RESOLVED

20/86              To Note money received.  There was none.

                        To Approve Payments as follows:  

20/87              S Gresty Clerk Salary Qtr 3 - £510.49 - already paid - RESOLVED

20/88              HMRC tax and NIC Qtr 3 - £128.00 - already paid- RESOLVED

20/89              St Stephen Church, Carlby ground maintenance grant 19/20  £1000 - already paid-              RESOLVED

20/90              MS Office programme plus yearly subscription for licence.   Action:  Clerk to research a cheaper self loading option and report back.


                        Policies for consideration and adoption.  (updated by LALC)

20/91              Disciplinary Policy – adopted and signed by chair - RESOLVED

20/92              Grievance Policy – adopted and signed by chair - RESOLVED


20/93              Website update from LCC.  Action: Clerk to research if Carlby can join another council’s training sessions.


20/94              Playing Field update by Angela Cardew.  Please to report that the Playing field committee now have 3 new Trustees.  Cllr. Cardew is going to leaflet houses again to generate further interested villagers willing to be involved.  A facebook page is going to be an active form of communication.    

                        Action: Clerk to send Angela grant application form.

Cllr. Angela Cardew to update Charity Commission after the next Trustee meeting.


20/95              Correspondence List.  Correspondence was noted.


20/96              Matters for future meetings.

  1. To discuss supporting financially Clerk CILCA training.
  2. Greening Village – awaiting outcome from SKDC proposals.
  3. Ideas and Planning for the Annual Parish Meeting.


20/97                 Parish Council Reserved meeting 2020 dates: Mar 24, May 26 (APCM), Jul 28,

                        Sept 22, Nov 24

                        APM : May 14


The meeting closed 20:01






Chair: ________________________________                            Date: ______________________________