August 11 - Extra Ordinary Parish Council Meeting


To: Vice-Chair: Pete Holland, Councillors: Ian Dair, Benjamin Haines, Angela Cardew, Liz King.

You are summoned to an Extra Ordinary Parish Council meeting on

Wednesday 11 August 2021 commencing at 19:30

The business to be dealt with at the Meeting is listed below.

Chair: John Bavister. 
21/22-46 Chairman Welcome
21/22-47 Open Forum for members of the public
21/22-48 Record of members present
21/22-49 To Note apologies for absence.
21/22-50 Declarations of Pecuniary interests on items on the agenda.
21/22-51 Planning:   To Note the following applications:
Planning Application S21/1387 11 High Street. Proposal Section 73 variation of details reserved by condition 2 Approved Plans and condition 5 boundary hedgerow of planning application s20/1216 (Erection of two 2 bedroomed bungalows and demolition of an existing bungalow and garage).

21/22-52         Trees:  To resolve, As part of a LCC strategy to increase tree planting to submit a bid to the Local Authority Treescapes Fund for free native trees.  Trees can be planted anywhere in the Parish.