January 28 - Parish Council Meeting
Due to the Corona Virus Pandemic Carlby Parish Council (CPC) meetings will be conducted via a Zoom link to enable safe distance practice. Details of the link can be found at the foot of this agenda.
To: Chair: John Bavister. Vice-Chair: Steve Markham.
Councillors: Ian Dair, Benjamin Haines, Isobel Robson, Angela Cardew and Pete Holland.
On Tuesday, 26 January 2021 commencing at 19:30
The business to be dealt with at the Meeting is listed below.
Parish Clerk: Sarah Gresty
clerkcarlby@gmail.com 07718900848
Carlby Parish Council, c/o Village Hall, High Street, Carlby, PE9 4LX. Posted: 18 January 2021
The public and media are cordially invited to join this meeting Details of the link can be found at the foot of this agenda.
20/21-105 Chairman Welcome and notification of resignation of a Councillor
20/21-106 Open Forum for members of the public dialled in.
20/21-107 Record of members who have dialled in via zoom.
20/21-108 To Note apologies for absence.
20/21-109 Councillors to declare Declarations of Pecuniary interests.
To approve Minutes.
20/21-110 Parish Council Meeting Minutes of 24 November 2020
20/21-111 To receive reports from District and County Councillors and the Police.
Financial matters
20/21-112 To receive Clerk’s Financial Report for the period 01 April 2020 to 31 December 2020
20/21-113 To resolve the Budget and Precept Request for the year 2021/22.
To Approve Payments as follows:
20/21-114 S Gresty Clerk salary Qtr 3 £881.51 - already paid
20/21-115 Community Heartbeat pads and safety kit £60.00 – already paid
20/21-116 Playing fields update
- To resolve on retrospective grant FY2020/21 to be paid to the Playing Field trustees of a maximum under s.137 of £2194.
20/21-117 Planning: To Note the following applications:
S20/2202 Application: Proposed Erection of single storey side extension, landscaping and internal alterations. Location: 20 High Street, Carlby, PE9 4LX.
20/21-118 Mobile Post Office – to receive information from clerk
20/21-119 Councillor Email address’ – Clerk’s advisory information- emails usage for Councillors
20/21-120 Conservation area update – Cllrs Ian Dair.
20/21-121 Correspondence received since last meeting. Please see list on page 3 below
20/21-122 Items for future meetings
20/21-123 Date of next meetings 2021: Mar 23, May 4-Village Parish, May 25, July 27, Sept 28,
Meeting Zoom details:
Carlby Parish Council is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Carlby Parish Council's Zoom Meeting
Time: Jan 26, 2021 07:30 PM London
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 819 5988 6330
Passcode: 010315
One tap mobile
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Dial by your location
+44 131 460 1196 United Kingdom
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Meeting ID: 819 5988 6330
Passcode: 010315
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kctp6B29hq
20/21-121 Correspondence received since the last meeting listed below:
Date |
From Whom |
Detail |
4 Jan |
SKDC Planning |
S20 2202 application |
5 Jan |
Covid update |
5 Jan |
InvestSK |
Lockdown grants for business support |
6 Jan |
Cllr Adams |
Police warning covid vaccinations |
6 Jan |
Neil Dillon |
ANPR speed signs |
6 Jan |
Stamford Arts |
Jan programme |
8 Jan |
E news 5.1.21 |
8 Jan |
Cllr Adams |
Service and support update for lockdown |
8 Jan |
CE bulletin |
11 Jan |
SKDC Planning |
Decision notice S20/1943 |
12 Jan |
Open letter to Councillors |
12 Jan |
Clara Yeung |
Neighbourhood planning consultants info |
14 Jan |
Maisie McMahon |
Lincs police Safer Together Team |
14 Jan |
May elections to be held |
15 Jan |
CE bulletin |
15 Jan |
Parish update |
15 Jan |
Barrie Church |
Lakeside practices campaign |
16 Jan |
Cllr Isabel Robson |
Resignation |
28/12/20 |
Zoom |
Invoice |
22/12/20 |
Unpaid reminder error |
22/12/20 |
SKDC Planning |
S20 1865 decision notice |
21/12/20 |
InvestSK |
Ew grants for business-covid-19 |
21/12/20 |
E news |
18/12/20 |
CE bulletin |
18/12/20 |
Resilience forum vaccinations |
14/12/20 |
Parish update and bins for xmas |
11/12/20 |
CE bulletin |
8/12/20 |
Launch new guide on community business |
7/12/20 |
New storage info |
7/12/20 |
Standards matter 2 extension to public consultation |
4/12/20 |
Bulletin |
4/12/20 |
InvestSK |
Teabreak event |
3/12/20 |
Website live confirmation |
2/12/20 |
Stamford Arts programme |
2/12/20 |
Dan Beecher |
CloudyIT info |
1/12/20 |
Community housing survey |
30/11/20 |
ElanCity |
Speed sign products |
30/11/20 |
Covid update |
27/11/20 |
CO bulletin |
27/11/20 |
Matthew Hatfull |
Mobile post office update |
27/11/20 |
Sue Scott |
Parish precept details |
23/11/20 |
SKDC Planning |
S20 1943 applications |
23/11/20 |
Rebuilding communities event |
22/11/20 |
Resident |
S20 1865 cc letter to planners |
19/11/20 |
EnvironSK |
Tender details for maintenance |
16/11/20 |
InvestSK |
Grant information |
16/11/20 |
Covid update & community response fund |
13/11/20 |
CE bulletin |