2021 September 28 - Parish Council Minutes

Minutes of Carlby Parish Council meeting held on

Tuesday, 28 September 2021 in Carlby Village Hall commencing at 19:30



21/22-53 Chairman Welcome.  Cllr. John Bavister opened the meeting.  
He requested Cllr. Penny Robins forwards the weekly planning list previously sent by Cllr Adams.  He confirmed that available ‘free trees’ request has been sent.  The Parish Council now has official notification that planning application s21/1387 for the erection of high fencing at the new bungalows has been refused. It was also noted that the developer still has the right to appeal against this decision.
21/22-54 Open Forum 
a) A Member of the public asked for dog poo bin within the church grounds as an item for the next agenda.
Response:  3 Bins have already been requested from SKDC. To replace the open bin outside of the village hall, replace the missing bin at the Bourne bus shelter and remove open bin at the post box and reposition somewhere on the west area of the village. 
The rationale to obtain a more balance distribution for dog walkers of those who do pick up their dog’s waste. The red bin private contract solution is considered noneviable for new contracts taken out.   Action:  Cllr. Penny Robins to follow up as to a response to our request.
21/22-55 Record of members present.  Cllrs. John Bavister (chair) JB, Pete Holland (vice chair) PH, Ian Dair (ID), Angela Cardew (CA), Sue Robinson(SR).  Ward Councillor Penny Robins and 5 members of the public.
21/22-56 Apologies received from Cllr. Ben Haines, Cllr. Liz King, County Cllr Bob Adams and Sarah Gresty-Clerk.
21/22-57 Declarations of Pecuniary interests. There were none.
To approve Minutes.
21/22-58 a) Parish Council Annual Meeting Minutes of 27 July 2021 confirmed as a true and accurate record of events  Proposed PH, Seconded SR and unanimously in favour - RESOLVED
b) Extra Ordinary Parish Meeting Minutes of 11 August 2021 confirmed as a true and accurate record of events  Proposed PH, Seconded SR and unanimously in favour - RESOLVED
21/22-59 To receive reports from District and County Councillors and the Police.
a) Cllr Penny Robins Report:
Both County Council and SKDC have re-acted well in re-settling Afghan refugees. LCC are supporting at least 14 families, 2 of which are in SKDC. They are people whose lives are in danger as a result of them being British Forces and others.
400 Staff are returning to work at the council over the next few months.
Councillor Adams is still undergoing treatment, so any LCC questions please pass onto myself and I will contact a neighbouring County Councillor.
I have chased the bin issue, it is taking longer than anticipated, they have assured me I would hear back from them by the end of the week. I will chase this again and keep you posted.
11 High Street – Planning has been refused and the decision went out on the 28/9/21. Enforcement Officers are writing the report and sending out an enforcement notice requiring the applicant to reduce the height of the fence to the agreed 0.9m. I have emailed today stating I want this carried out ASAP before the applicant appeals this refusal decision.
I have contacted LCC with regards to road signage of the A6121 on both sides as the trees/bushes need cutting back from the signs. It is hard to see the signs at present which, in my opinion, is dangerous.
S21/1701 – Validated on the 27th August and is pending consideration.
Financial matters
21/22-60 Financial Report for the period 01 April to 30 August 2021 Proposed acceptance of report as a true and accurate record of the financial position Proposed:  PH, Seconded SR and unanimously in favour – RESOLVED.
To Approve Payments as follows:
21/22-61 Parochial Church Council £694.48
21/22-62 HMRC Qtr 1 tax and NIC £131.20
21/22-63 LALC inv 11677 £27
21/22-64 S Gresty Qtr 2 Salary £524.91
21/22-65 HMRC Qtr 2 tax and NIC £131.20  All payment noted proposed Cllr. PH, Seconded AC and unanimously in favour - RESOLVED
21/22-66 Planning: Applications responses considered
S21/1707 Proposal: Erection of two storey side extension and single storey rear extension. Location: 29 Manor Road, Carlby PE9 4LZ
As a non-controversial extension to existing dwelling, the council resolved to make our standard response of material best match to existing roof tiles and facing brick, Proposed JB seconded SR unanimously in favour – RESOLVED
21/22-67 Playing Field update.  AC updated the meeting.  The Playground committee are seeking VAT registration and ordered new piece of play equipment from monies raised. Bike track under construction. Two stone blocks in the entrance have been removed. Possibly replaced by fencing. Notes to be sent by Angela to Clerk.
21/22-68 Local Listing update – Cllrs Dair
It was agreed that the Chair would write, in terms of the circulated draft, to the owners/occupiers of the old buildings which had been identified as possible candidates for Local Heritage Listing, requesting their comments. Proposed ID, seconded JB unanimously in favour - RESOLVED
21/22-69 Lincolnshire Riparian, no further action required Anglian Water will response to property incumbents that it knows of.
21/22-70 Consideration to take over the ownership of the Persimmons land within the Templeman Drive estate.  Open discussion: In general, considering the costs of maintenance and the public indemnity liability it was considered an acceptable direction to follow. The land could then be registered under the Commons Act 2006. The main issue is who or what body within the village manages the land. The cost of maintenance can be accommodated within the precept. It will be crucial to have an active management plan. Action: item of next Agenda.
21/22-71 Queen Platinum It was agreed to invite villagers to attend a brain storming session to decide what should be arranged and by whom. This invitation would be made via an item in the November Village news.  Action: Village new item
21/22-72 Targets 2021/22 ID presented the update Targets dated 8 October 2021 and it was proposed the document was adopted by the Parish Council.   PH agreed to look into the 'sustainability' target.  Proposed by ID, Seconded JB and unanimously in favour - RESOLVED 
Action:  PH sustainability targets
BH to investigate the IT required to understand and assess relevance of ParishesOnLine/PSGA
21/22-73 Training as on going 
21/22-74 Correspondence were noted from the agenda. 
21/22-75 Items for future meetings

Meeting closed at 20:40

21/22-76 Date of next meetings 2021: Nov 23, 2022: 18 January, 22 March,  26 April (parish meeting), 3 May, 26 July, 27 September and 29 November