September 14 - Parish Council Meeting

Minutes of a Carlby Parish Council (CPC) meeting held on 14 September 2022 at 19:30 in the Village Hall


As this meeting had already been called and had satisfied the three clear days’ notice prior to the sad death of Queen Elizabeth II.   Carlby Parish Council legally continued with the meeting as the agenda below. As there was urgent business on the agenda to be dealt with.


The meeting commenced with a 2-minute silence 

22/23-71 Chairman formally opened the meeting.
22/23-72 Open Forum for members of the public. There were no members of the public present.
22/23-73 Present: Cllrs. John Bavister (Chair)(JB), Cllr. Pete Holland (Vice Chair)(PH), Ian Dair(ID), Angela Cardew(AC), Sue Robinson(SR) and Ben Haines(BH). 
In Attendance:  Lesley Sweeting and Sarah Gresty Parish Clerk.
22/23-74 Apologies: None.
Other Apologies : Cllrs. Penny Robins and Cllrs. Charlotte Vernon.
22/23-75 Disclosure of Pecuniary Interests: None received.
22/23-76 To approve Minutes
i. 26 July 2022 Parish Council meeting were presented as a true and accurate record of events.  Proposed acceptance Cllr. SR, seconded Cllr. ID and unanimous in favour-RESOLVED.  Action: The chairman would sign a copy when re printed.
22/23-77 Co-option of New Councillor.   One application had been received from Lesley Sweeting which was circulated prior to the meeting.
Proposal:  To co-opt Lesley Sweeting to the vacant seat of the Parish Council.
Proposed Cllr. JB, Seconded Cllr. ID and unanimous in favour. RESOLVED.
Lesley signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office form.  The Parish Council welcomed Lesley warmly to the Parish Council.
22/23-78 ‘What practical actions Sustainable Carlby could take.  – Cllr. Pete Holland gave a presentation on how Carlby as a village could be more sustainable.   
Planning.  CPC could, in its comments on planning applications, request that energy efficiency should be a requirement for new development
Pesticides.    Not particularly relevant to CPC remit.  
Wildlife friendly corridors.  Tree planting has taken place in and around the village, if further land is acquired by CPC this could be a further opportunity.
Green initiatives.   Advertise/liaise with local groups who might like to do something and need some assistance by way of a grant.  To communicate through newsletter/village news.
Energy.  Work with Village hall  to improve efficiency.
Travel.  Improve local route information.  Google maps for running circuits etc.   
Shop local.  Mobile Fish and chips and the Friday post office visit the village now.  Are there any other local suppliers?
Cllr. PH’s suggestions were broadly supported. At the same time,  CPC  felt deflated with the threat of Mallard Pass Solar Farm and its blight on the immediate countryside.
Action: Cllr PH to bring forward a paper summarising the recommendations for adoption by CPC
22/23-79 To receive reports from 
a)County and District Councillors.  None received due to the mourning period adhered to by all Council staff in respect of Queen Elizabeth.
b)Police – The Clerk read the response from PC Wilson in response to the comments raised by CPC from the Lincolnshire Police Priority Setting Meeting.  3 topics were:  Engage the community, Identify and support the most vulnerable in the community and Target speed reduction.   These items would be revisited at the meeting. 
22/23-80 Emergency Plan.  
Proposal 1: To disband the emergency plan and to sell off the unused equipment.
Proposal 2: To upgrade the emergency plan contents and to set up continued maintenance/service thereof.
Information from Lincolnshire County Council advisory emergency action was circulated prior to the meeting.  It was generally felt that the majority of the emergency plan box set up around 2005 was now predominantly redundant, however the generator was deemed to be important going into this winter.  Cllr. JB had recently serviced the generator and has a store at his home of some petrol for emergency use.   The generator does need to be regularly maintained.  It was mentioned that electric battery storage, with its new technology, could be utilised to provide heat/light in an emergency.
Proposal:  To retain pro tem the generator and any other relevant items in the emergency kit, whilst looking at new technologies and future needs
Proposed Cllr. ID, Seconded Cllr. AC and unanimous in favour. - RESOLVED
22/23-81 Persimmon Land.  No update had been received.
22/23-82 Dog Fouling Campaign Cllr. SR had only received 3 entries for posters.  These entrants would each receive a £10 book voucher.  These posters would be printed and laminated to be positioned around the village.  Cllr. SR is in correspondence with “Active Magazine” who promote local walks to adopt the QR code bin locations.   
Proposal: To approval payment of £30 for 3 x book vouchers.  Proposed Cllr. JB, Seconded Cllr. BH and unanimous in favour.-RESOLVED.
With the SKDC blue notices and the red ‘bin it and bag it QR location’ posters it was felt that good publicity around the village to encourage dog owners to be responsible was now covered.
22/23-83 Bus shelters At the Annual Parish Meeting it was suggested that something be done about the leaning bus shelter on the main road.   Tree roots have lifted the base causing a large crack on west facing wall and cracking the floor slab.
Proposal:  To inspect both shelters for any immediate maintenance.  To repoint, repaint and repair as necessary.  Cllr Robinson offered to look into whether grants were available, either from LCC or elsewhere. In this regard, it was noted that the cost of the full replacement of one shelter was likely to cost at least the equivalent of a year’s precept.
Proposed Cllr. PH, Seconded Cllr. JB and unanimous in favour.-RESOLVED.
Action:   Cllr. SR to investigate bus service operators grant and any other funding available.
CPC To set up a maintenance budget programme within the precept
Finance  Matters:
22/23-84 Financial Report for the period 01 April – 30 August 2022 with bank statements was presented by the clerk.
To Note Payments
22/23-85 S Gresty Clerk Salary Qtr 2 £608.56
22/23-86 HMRC Tax and NIC Qtr 2 payment £152.20
22/23-87 J Bavister – expenses Screwfix cable ties £14.54
To Note Income – There was none.
22/23-88 Planning. None received since last meeting
22/23-89 Correspondence was noted from the Agenda
22/23-90 Items for Future meetings
Playing fields
Clerk appraisal.  
Date of future meetings at 19:30 in the Village Hall
2022: 15 November(budget Setting meeting)   2023: 17 Jan, 21 Mar. 17 May, 18 Jul, Wed 13 September,      21 Nov 
Meeting closed at 21:22