March 2019 Minutes


Chair: John Bavister. Vice-Chair: Steve Markham.

Councillors: Ian Dair, Roger Easton, Benjamin Haines, Isobel Robson.

Parish Clerk: Sarah Gresty, Carlby Parish Council, c/o Village Hall, High Street, Carlby, PE9 4LX.  Tel: 07718900848


Minutes of a Meeting of Carlby Parish Council

Held on Tuesday 26 March 2019 at 7.30 pm in Carlby Village Hall.


  1. To Note those present. Chair: John Bavister, Councillors: Roger Easton, Ian Dair, Steve Markham, Ben Haines.  County Cllr. Bob Adams and PCSO Graham Parratt

Members of the Public:   5 


2.    To Note apologies for absence. Cllr. Isabel Robson & PCSO Emma Conkey.


3.    Declarations of Pecuniary interests. None.


4.    To Agree that the Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 22nd January 2019. Agreed as a true and accurate record and signed by the Chair.


5.    Open Forum for members of the public in attendance.

a) Andrew Norman and a colleague from InvestSK introduced themselves and gave a presentation on the Bourne Cicle event due to take place 31 Aug-1st Sept 19.    SKDC have bought into the “Cicle” brand as this is a professional race and if successful was hoped to become a popular event.  This initiative is to promote Bourne providing wider social cohesion and have an economic impact to Bourne and the surrounding villages.  Also working on the project is Dominic Fieldhouse whose remit is to promote sports and get people more active.  This cycle event ticks many boxes.

2 Races will be coming through Carlby on Saturday at 15:08 and Sunday at 13:18, these races will be escorted by a Police vehicle at the front to close roads, support vehicles and a follow up vehicle reopening roads immediately the race has past.  It was foreseen that road closures through Carlby would be a maximum of 5 minutes.  Routes of all races are available on  

Questions: raised:            a) Signage and rubbish from the event.  When will this be cleared?  Answer: There are 2 feeding stations with red drop zones, Sunday evening and Monday have been allocated after the event for the signs and rubbish to be cleared.  Cyclist are aware of the rules and will have penalties if they drop rubbish outside of these areas.

                                         b) Question: Does this mean that the potholes will be repaired as surely they are a hazard for the race?  Answer: Unfortunately not.  This is a Highways issue.

                                         c) Question: Who will manage the road closures?  Answer: A road traffic management company (TMS).

                                         d) Will this encourage smaller versions of the events which are not so well run?  Answer: Small clubs for governance of road closures are required to obtain a SAG (agreement from highways, police, ambulance, fire service) which is very costly and prohibitive.

                                         e) Where is the money coming from for this event.  Answer: SKDC has allocated a budget of £25k.  This includes professional stewards, time keepers and accommodation.   The cyclist pay to enter the event.

f) Will this become a regular event?  Answer: If this is a success SKDC hope to replicate the event, but there are many options for alternative routes.


b)   A member of the public outlined Tree planting in the village.  Last year on Rogation Sunday a tree was planted on the Pickworth Road which is now flourishing.    The Parochial Parish church initiative would like to plant approx. 1-3 trees this year.   Proposed site is on the road margin by Racer Farm as the trees on this side of the village are very old and would be prudent to plant new ones to come on to eventually replace them.    The PC were unanimously in favour of trees being planted if the Highways were in favour. 


       Discussion of all trees in the village took place, noted that TPO (tree preservation orders) were on some of the trees in the church yard.   Perhaps all trees in the village should be surveyed to see if any other TPO’s were required.   Noted that anyone can apply for a TPO from SKDC.


6. Reports from District and County Councillors.  Bob Adams reported that with the District and Parish elections imminent there was nothing to report at this stage. 

     The issue of pot holes were raised with Bob particularly a large one between Carlby village and Racers Farm on the Bourne Road.   Action: Ben Haines to report via fix my street and to email Bob the reference number and he would chase this up.


7. Financial matters.

a) To Approve Financial Report for the year 01 April 2018 to 28 February 2019.  A printout of the online bank statement was circulated to all Cllr. Members.  This was Agreed and signed.

b) To Note money received since last Meeting. None

       c) To Approve Payments as follows:

i. WEL Medical Ltd, Defibrillator batteries and pads £235.08 (already paid) Agreed

ii. Spiegl Press, Print and finish Referendum leaflet £123.5 (already paid) Agreed

    £21 for advert in the church village news.  Agreed

iii. Investigation into PAYE Tax credits £53.46 and PAYE credits Agreed

iv. Previous clerks renumeration, re Su Fletcher Dec/Jan £272.26 Feb £165.75 Agreed

v. Previous clerks’ expenses, travel, allowance home working etc. re Su Fletcher £37.65     Agreed

vi. Investigation into Su Fletcher’s PAYE credits.  This situation  was explained.  Agreed to pay Su’s salary and to reclaim the tax credit after 6th April 9. 


8. Planning: To Note the following applications: Mr & Mrs Whitehouse, Home Farm, 34 High Street alterations and new car port.  No further comments Agreed.  Action:  CPC Standard reply be submitted to SKDC.


9. Neighbourhood plan update. Referendum 7th March 2019.  Declaration of results was shown:

Yes: 120/No: 9.  Thought to be a reasonable turnout.  Have now received the official form of acceptance from SKDC.  Ian Dair had already put in the local paper. 

Action:     Ben Haines to publish the results in the next Newsletter via Mailchimp. 

To print in the Village News.

Ben Haines to print 10 colour hard copies for CPC records.

10. Defibrillator update.   Roger Easton gave an outline on the Defibrillator.  The Margaret Brown Trust had originally purchased it from Well Medical in Nov 14 and was fitted Feb 15.  As the battery, which have a 4yr life, were dead and the pads, which have a 2yr shelf life, were out of date.  New ones were purchased to bring this into working order.    Roger contacted LIVES who agreed, for a donation, to give residents a refresher training which took place on 21st March with 10 people attending.    Roger Easton proposed a £100 donation to LIVES for training. 

       It was noted that in the case of an emergency the first steps should be:

  1. Phone 999
  2. Commence CPR compressions
  3. Then get a 2nd person to go to fetch the defibrillator 

The committee thanked Roger for all his work getting this unit up and running. 

Actions:  Donation of £100 to LIVES.   Agreed.

Newsletter.  Advertise the fact defibrillator is now working and ask for residents to get involved with a rota for maintenance.

Check it is on assets list.


11. Councillor nomination forms, consolidation.   All Cllr. Nomination forms were completed and given to John to take to SKDC on Friday.


12. Training (Budget) action payment.  Agreed to revoke the resolution Item 11 on minutes of 21st January 2019.  Agreed to pay for training individually as and when it is required.


13. Correspondence List. All correspondence were noted.  Nothing further to add.

a. Cycling event 1st September 2019

b. Minerals and Waste Planning Policy Team - NOTIFICATION OF CONSULTATION -


c. The Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust is again running its annual ENVIRONMENTAL AWARDS


d. LPCF Latest New – February (Lincs Parent Carer Forum)

e. PLAYFORCE – Assist with annual inspection of outdoor play areas

f. WESTMINSTER BRIEFING – Housing needs assessment changes – 30th April

g. PLANTSCAPE – Community projects

h. TERRAIN – Health & Safety Checklist FYI    


14. Reserved meeting 2019 dates: July 23rd, Sept 24th, Nov 26th. 2020 Jan 28th, Mar 25th.


15. Proposals for the Village Parish meeting May 28th.   Discussion took place on a new format for the Village Parish meeting and its purpose to get residents to run this meeting and give everyone an opportunity to air their views.   Bob Adams might be able to organise a speaker.    Invite all the clubs and organisations in the village to come and give a report.   Ideas to include:  What are resident preferences on how to receive news and communications also a Defibrillator maintenance rota. Action: CP to draft an agenda and invite and circulate on Mailchimp as well as Advertising on the website and noticeboards.


16. Next meeting Annual meeting of the Parish Council 21th May 2019 at 7.30pm.


The meeting was declared Closed at 20:45 pm.



This is a true record of the Meeting _______________________Chair      _________________Date