May 2019 Minutes on 28 May

Minutes of the Carlby Annual Parish Meeting

on Tuesday, 28 May 2019 commencing at 7.30 pm in Carlby Village Hall.



  1. Record of those present:  Chair:  John Bavister, Councillors: Ian Dair, Isobel Robson and Ben Haines.  Parish Clerk: Sarah Gresty, Lincs. County Cllr. Bob Adams and 30 Members of the public.


  1. Note apologies for absence:  District Clllr. Chris Benn, Parish Cllrs. Angela Cardew, Steve Markham, Roger Easton and Lesley Wickson from the Friendly Club.


  1. Meet your new District Councillor, Chris Benn: Unfortunately, Chris Benn was unable to attend.


  1. Reports from District and County Councillors.  Bob Adams said he was humbled by the work done in the community by various residents and Parish Councillors.  As a County Councillor he was here to support this work and help in any way he can to keep the community thriving.    He felt that there were no major issues at present and things had improved over the last 2 or 3 years in general.

In his new capacity of District Planning Committee Chairman, he was attending this meeting to listen to views of residents.

A resident asked: “Is any further maintenance being done to the footpath between Carlby and Essendine village, this is very overgrown and difficult to walk/cycle along?” -  Bob advised all residents to draw this type of occurrence to the attention of the PC who will report and monitor. Residents can report these types of issues on the LCC and SKDC web site

Action: PC to draw attention to Chris Benn.


A resident asked: “Are there additional training sessions added to the Cicle race in August”?  - Bob was not aware of any as this was a county run event.   Discussion also took place at the state of the roads and the worry of cyclists hitting potholes.  Bob reassured everyone that this was a professionally run event and all considerations were taken into account by the Organisers.  More information on this event can be found on


  1. Chair’s Report.

John, as chair of the CPC read his report:

It has been an interesting and frustrating year for Carlby parish. Our new clerk Sarah Gresty has taken over direction of the council’s protocol. Ensuring that Council proceedings and procedures accord with regulatory requirements and protocols.

During this Local election year which takes place every 4 years, 6 councillors were nominated and duly elected. The election was not contested as we have allocated 7 seats for the parish.

Our District Councillor seat was also up for election, with Chris Benn taking the seat for the Glen Ward winning a 68% against 23% of the votes from a 38% turn out with 9% that is 66 spoiled papers.

The council operate a plan of achievable targets or annual goals which are grouped into initiatives and ongoing work and reviewed regularly.

Initiatives and goals.

  • Finalise the preparation of a Neighbourhood Plan for Carlby with the aim of completion and acceptance via referendum by Autumn 2018.
  • Promote results of speed watch initiative and press for response from relevant authorities and take part in the second phase of the village speed watch initiative.
  • Install plaque and guard fencing at Golden Jubilee tree site, (completed)
  • Repaint bus user shelters (completed)
  • Maintain and seek to extend the email network; review effectiveness of the village website.
  • Arrange appropriate training for councillors via LALC; seek to bring membership of the PC up to strength of seven members.
  • Re-open discussions on allotments with new owners of EFI, a meeting with one of the new owners and the Council took place, to date with no further information forthcoming.

Typically, the ongoing work,

One of the things the council does in support of the village is carry out regular inspections, with necessary repairs and maintenance, of your village assets i.e. bus shelters, notice boards, defibrillator; and ensure that grit bins are filled as required etc.

  • Continue improving the engagement of the PC with villagers via village organisations, encourage financial planning for grant applicants, annually update the PC’s own 5-year financial plan. One of our main functions is to plan and demand the precept from SKDC who charge this to your council tax and your contribution is itemise on your individual bill.
  • Continue to influence planning procedures so that they take better account of Parish Council consolidated villagers views (particularly via the Development Plan)
  • Continue to press authorities on issues - state of roads and footpaths, with emphasis on achieving measures for a safer crossing of main road at bus shelter.


  • Continue to improve communication and awareness of parishioners about how they inter-react with the village and the assets. There have been issues of Vandalism of notice boards and bus shelters and the ongoing incidents of dog fouling are issue for the parishioners to report and influence themselves as the Parish Council cannot cure or stop these issues, we can only spend your money in repairing the problem after the event.

Traffic One item highlighted in the consultations gathered in the construction of our neighbourhood plan is speeding through the village with the main issue being entering and leaving on the western stretch of High Street. I have attended the Police Panel forums held every quarter or thereabouts and speeding through the village remains on their list of issues. The police have conducted a speed measurement survey at Farriers Way. I have tried but to date have not had any feedback.

There is a CSW initiative for villagers to monitor these speeders and report vehicle registrations to the police, however we do not have enough volunteers to allow this initiative to be taken up at present.

Please email the clerk to volunteer.

The defibrillator The unit was brought into commission by ensuring its registration and repair as we have learnt you cannot just bolt the unit on the wall and leave it. Money and attentiveness are a key requirement of these machines to be in an operative condition when needed. Thanks to Roger Easton for taking the initiative on this issue, who also arranged for a training and awareness update which unfortunately was very poorly attended. We will be requiring someone to continue this attention as we are now aware of additional expenditure to keep the unit in operative order.

Playing field The sad news that the Playing field committee has all but disbanded. However, as the default custodian trustee the Parish Council will be taking up the management of the finances whilst we all hope a new committee can be re-established if members come forward in the future. The good news is that an existing member of the Playing field committee has been co-opted on to the council.

Achieving another of our targets in bringing the council up to full strength of numbers.

Angela Cardew with help from Suzanna Over will guide the council in the continuation of completion of at least one of the last projects and the maintenance schedule of typically grass cutting etc.


The Carlby Neighbourhood Development plan referendum, measured against other neighbourhood plan referendums Carlby gained the national average turnout, 33% of voting electorate and 93% of us accepted the proposed plan to be a consideration in planning and development matters relevant to the parish.

The parish now has an adopted Neighbourhood plan. Which means Developers, Planning Officers, Planning Committee members and Government Inspectorate alike should be noted to take our plan into consideration when making decisions in respect of planning applications within the Parish of Carlby.

Within a few months or so of our plan being adopted a proposal for a huge potential development has been muted.

Now comes the test! of the existing SKDC Local plans Core Strategy, the new emerging Local Plan and of our Neighbourhood plan, which does by their content not support this large development proposal. We will expect our newly elected District Councillor Chris Benn to also help in support of these documents when it matters.

The council has had a presentation from Savills the agent on behalf of Mr Robinson.



An open discussion on the principles of a future application, its size and acceptability to villagers were considered:

Views and concerns from residents voiced at the meeting were:

  1. No official application has been submitted at present.   Mr Robinson, the landowner, would like to release this land for planning. 
  2. The outline area under discussion was shown on screen during the meeting. 
  3. Access.  This was a very fast road and strong views at the safety of positioning an access in this position were voiced.   No other access was foreseen linking this development to the village.

Only footpath access between Templeman Drive and Fenton Way was accessible.

  1. Without any vehicle access from Templeman, this new development would just be an appendage and not central to the village.  Residents will have to drive around and into the village, making this an isolated development.
  2. Noted that the land does link to a Public footpath. 
  3. The Core Strategy – this development does not comply with this size of development in a small village. 
  4. This development does no fall within the Neighbourhood plan but the area proposed does fall within the parish boundary.  In the neighbourhood plan a brown field site had been identified with over 90% of voting residents in the process of feedback in producing of the plan, agreeing that this was a more appropriate site.
  5. SKDC 2011-36 Local Plan has yet to be passed and adopted.  Figures for the smaller village allocation of expected building for the future was discussed.  A link to this document  CPC urged residents to familiarise themselves with this plan.  Especially SP4 policy. 
  6. Dist. Cllr. Chris Benn will be kept informed by the CPC to actively campaign and put forward the resident’s feedback.
  7. Density of housing for this development was not yet clarified.  40-50 houses were proposed.  The density of Templeman and Fenton Drives is approx 65 properties.
  8. This development would increase the size of the village by more than 1/3.
  9. Resident did not see any value added to the village by having this development.
  10. CPC urge all villagers with a view to get involved.


Outcome the meeting –

The meeting unanimously agreed that CPC pass a resolution to notify the Agents for the Landowners of a strong rebuff from residents that the planning would be objected too as it did not comply with the adopted neighbourhood plan.



  1. Reports from Local Organisations.


  1. Roger Shead gave a report on behalf of the Carlby Bowls Club.  After last years’ strange weather and lots of green repairs the surface is now fit to play on.  They have a number of new members, however they have only won 1 out of 4 games so far!  New members are welcome. Site website: .  The continued funding from the CPC is appreciated.


  1. Steve Pearson gave this report on behalf of the Carlby Village Hall Committee. Although the Village Hall is primarily for Carlby villagers, it continues to be popular for regular and one-off bookings for a wide variety of activities – such as line dancing, karate,  indoor bowls, the Friendly Club, St Stephen’s JAM Club and the W.I as well as the ever popular children’s parties and – of course – the monthly pub and quiz nights – usually on the 3rd Saturday of each month, many thanks to all those who attend and support these evenings.

A first for the hall was live screening in June and July of some of England’s matches in the football World Cup in Russia. The credit for this must go to Leo Shead for the initiative to get the ‘ball’ rolling (pun intended) on this project, with the support of St Stephen’s.

Repairs and refurbishments of the hall are an ongoing responsibility of the committee.  We replaced several ceiling tiles that had been damaged by a bouncy castle at a children’s party. We also gave the hall a fresh coat of paint and carried out running repairs of roof tiles over the porch but the biggest task this year was the total revamp of the kitchen.  For this the committee would like to put on record their appreciation for the work put in by villagers Colin Wilding, Danny Blaze and Nick Worrall.

For 2019 or even into 2020, we are planning on giving the bar a make-over.

After the success of the football World Cup screening last year, Leo Shead (who was responsible for setting this up) has suggested we try for a similar screening of England’s Rugby World Cup games in Japan, which runs from 20th September until 2nd November. It’s early days yet and might not be feasible given the time difference, but watch this space!

Finally, as Chairman, I would like to thank all members of the committee both elected and those appointed by the various groups in the village. In particular, I would like pay a special mention to Kerry Vincent, who has been Treasurer for the past 35 years and has finally stepped down this year. On behalf of all committee members both past and present, I would like to say a huge thank you to Kerry for all her hard work and dedication.


  1. Cheryl Paterson gave a report on behalf of Carlby & District WI.   Outlined the events and trips organised in the past year by the WI and those planned for future.  New members have joined this year from Ryhall, Haconby and Stamford.  More members always welcome.  Rosie Nelson is the new president.


vi)           Amanda Pearson gave this report on behalf of the Carlby Garden Club.    Established in February 2008, the group recently celebrated its 10th birthday with a Champagne Garden Party in the Village Hall and proceeds from the raffle were donated to the British Hedgehog Preservation Society.

Over the years, Carlby Gardeners has evolved into a group of 15 ladies with the majority of members from Carlby but also Ryhall, Stamford and Haconby. We all have an interest in gardening and meet on the first Tuesday of each month in members’ homes.

We are affiliated to the RHS and visit an RHS garden each year. We are returning to Harlow Carr, nr Harrogate in July.

Events over the past few years include The Great British Bee Party (May 2015), Plant and Hedgehog Fayre (May 2016) and Open Garden (May 2017).

Volunteers have carried out annual daffodil bulb planting each autumn with displays both on the main roadside verges and at the north end of the village. As the digging is rather hard going, we would like to extend the invitation to all villagers – ideally men with spades or mini diggers! We are planning on having a planting day with refreshments in October.

Willing volunteers in the group also plant up the Carlby village sign with bedding plants for the summer and daffodil bulbs in the autumn. It would be good to extend this to other areas of the village perhaps.

  1. Pauline Crampin gave a report on behalf of the St Stephens Church.  A successful year increasing the congregations size.  The ‘All Age Family’, informal services have been a real community pull with coffee and cakes and chat.  The Church has come alive and become a real social centre for village.  Sadly the current vicar, Rev. Paddy McKee is retiring and his last service will the Saturday 31st August in Ryhall church. 

The church yard has had its annual spring tidy and 3 trees (Sussex elm, oak and hornbeam) have been planted on the grass verges.

The Church continues to raise money with concerts and safari suppers which are well attended.

On the wish list is a water supply.This would be of huge benefit.

Pauline noted that the church had not submitted a grant application for funds for upkeep of the church yard.

Action: Clerk to send grant application form to Pauline for completion.

  1. Suzanne Over gave this report on behalf of the Playground Committee. The overall aim of the Playing Field Committee has been to create a safe and usable space for children of all ages. To this end we needed to take out the old equipment that was unfit for purpose and unsafe and replace it with new up-to-date equipment.

We surveyed the village residents to get a feel for what they wanted to see in the playing fields and from the results of this made a plan to purchase the following equipment; Round about, Swing, Basket, Rocker, Flyturn, Climbing frame/slide (for younger children) and Vitality strength unit (for older children/adults)

Of the seven pieces we have raised money, purchased and installed 5.

The outstanding pieces of equipment are:

Climbing frame/slide (for younger children)