July 2019 Minutes



Minutes of the meeting of Carlby Parish Council, Tuesday,

23 July 2019 commencing at 7.30 p.m. in Carlby Village Hall.


  1. To Note those present. Cllrs. John Bavister (JB), (chair) Steve Markham (SM), (Vice Chair), Isobel Robson (IR), Angela Cardew (AC).  County Cllrs. Bob Adams (BA), Ben Whyles and 1 member of the public.


To Note apologies for absence.  Received from Ben Haines, Ian Dair, Roger Easton and SKDC County Cllr. Chris Benn.


Declarations of Pecuniary interests. There were none.


To Agree the Minutes of :

  1. Annual Council Meeting held on 21 May 2019.

An additional sentence was added to item 11Playing Field discussion on future plans.stating for clarity “No resolutions were approved, subject pending further investigation”.RESOLVED and signed by the chair.

It was noted that an invoice for the defib refurbishment had been received for £120.28 Item 6i) Open Forum for member of the public in Attendance.The defibrillator is now fully working again thanks to Roger Easton’s persistence.RESOLVED TO PAY


  1. Annual Parish Meeting held on 28 May 2019.  Isobel and john as the only attending Cllrs as this meeting agreed their accuracy.  RESOLVED


Open Forum for members of the public in attendance.   No items raised.


Reports from District and County Councillors.  BA gave a report on District matters – on 9th August at approx. 9.30 am Rowen Smith, Highways Manager and Graham Butler, Road Safety Champion, will be meeting on the A6121 at the Witham on Hill junction to discuss safety issues.  Now the speed cameras are in place, proposals include double white lines in the middle of road to stop overtaking, this will be developed further if issues continue.  


BA confirmed that fix my street is a software programme that the council buy into, it is not run by the Council.


SM asked BA to address the overgrown pavements leading to the bus shelters and the overgrown road signs.SM & BA agreed to meet on site to confirm problems.


SM enquired if the hedges of registered disabled residents will still be cut.BA passed details of a contact in Envrionment SK for SM to follow up.


Financial matters.

  1. To Approve Financial Report for the Quarter 1 April 2019-31 June 2019.  RESOLVED.
  2. To Note money received since last Meeting.
  1. 3/4/19 HMRC refund from PAYE 2017/18 £53.46 NOTED
  2. 9/5/19 HMRC refund from PAYE £218.65 NOTED
  3. 5/7/19 HMRC VAT claim £117.54   NOTED
  1. To Approve Payments as follows:
  1. S Gresty Qtr 1 Clerk pay £510.89 already paid   RESOLVED
  2. HMRC PAYE Qtr 1 £127.60 already paid  RESOLVED
  3. Came & Co insurance 1/6/19-31/5/2020 £343.55 already paid  RESOLVED


  1. Discussion the Robinson Land east of Templeman Drive, Carlby in relation to the Neighbourhood Plan

Potential development land was discussed in relation to the Neighbourhood Plan and Savills presentation and responses.   JB reported that he had thanks Savills for their presentation but stood by the results of the Neighbourhood plan that this land would not be favourable looked upon for development. Any proposals would not be supported and robustly resisted by the neighbourhood plan as supported by the majority vote of 93% of electorate in the Parish.

Savills had communicated that it would look to the residents of the village for their clear support for their scheme as required by SP4 of the new Local Plan.  JB had not responded to this last communication.


BA outlined the District Local Plan with reference to countryside development and other issues.  The plan is to be revised and reviewed next year. Key issues are Carlby is classed as a small village.  Feel confident that the Neighbourhood plan will hold weight. 


  1. Discussion with Ben Whyles on the old EFI site and Whitfield Paddock


Ben from Agri-linc, owner of the EFI site outlined potential proposals for the site including donation allotment land to the village.Ben purchased the site to move his machinery business from Edenham.Ben is keen to work within the neighbourhood plan and with the Parish Council and residents, proposing a phased development of the site.


Existing access would not create any more traffic through the village.

Site has been a commercial EFI business similar to Agri-Linc since 1947

Existing buildings are in poor repair and will take major investment.

Long term plan tenants in there at present.

Business may move in in the near future with a long term plan to develop theL shape area for residential housing.

Site would be classed by District as windfall. 

Included and supported in the neighbourhood plan if in keeping.

District officer to understand their feelings.

In principle the allotments protect rural character of the village. The land would be legally, gifted with the Parish Council committed to support.

Waiting for SKDC directive and guidance.

Comply with emerging plan.


The next stage is for Ben to seek advice from SKDC planning department in a pre-application discussion clarifying the many issues raised.

Action: JB to supply planning distance window to window figures discussed while compiling the neighbourhood plan

Ben Whyle to respond formally to the Parish Council’s list of concerns already in his possession prior to the plans detail being more formally proposed to the village.



Correspondence List.  NOTED

Playing Field future


JB had found the certified copy of the Conveyance when the land was purchased by Carlby PC in 1973 at a cost of £1150 confirming that the Parish Council officially own this land.   CPC being he trustees of the playing field and custodian trustees of the Charity.


AC reported that a confirmation of receipt from the Charity Commission had been received. It was noted that further, possibly legal, advice will be required to fully understand the issue of trustees on the playing field charity.


The insurance has been paid and will be due (10/04/2020) it was suggested to establish if this can be incorporated with the Councils insurance policy at the next renewal. This will be investigated in due course   RESOLVED


Grass cutting costs continue against the 2019 quotation from Mow and Sow £50 + VAT per cut.  There was a complaint from member of the public about the length of grass at the parish meeting 28 May.  This is a very visual indicator to the village of the health of the playing field activities.  It is suggested cutting continues.   RESOLVED.


The budget for Insurance, ROSPA safety checks and grass cutting is £1100 pa to run the playing field give or take the number of grass cuts require.  Proposals to how this is covered.  RESOLVED


ROSPA safety check for August to go ahead   RESOLVED.


Matters for future meetings.There were none.


Reserved meeting 2019 dates:Sept 24, Nov 26. 2020 Jan 28, Mar 25.




Meeting Closed at 21.14





Chair ________________________________                                                    Date: _________________________