September 2019 Minutes


Minutes of Carlby Parish Council meeting on

Tuesday, 24 September 2019 commencing at 7.30 pm in Carlby Village Hall.


19/17              To Note those present. Cllrs John Bavister, (Chair), Ian Dair, Benjamin Haines, County Councillors Chris Benn and 10 members of the public.


19/18              To Note apologies for absence.  Cllrs. Steve Markham, Roger Easton and Isobel Robson, Angela Cardew, Cllr. Bob Adams.


19/19              To declare Declarations of Pecuniary interests on items on this agenda. There were none.


19/20              To Agree the Minutes of the:

Parish Council Meeting held on 23 July 2019. RESOLVED


19/21              Open Forum for members of the public in attendance. (this session is for members of the public to comment on specific items on this agenda, also they may bring issues for possible consideration at future meetings)


                        The chair stated at the beginning of this meeting that there was a time restraint             on the meeting, as one of the Councillors had to leave after one hour and then the                       meeting would not be quorate and therefore would have to be closed. So asked                that Cllrs and members of the public kept things concise.


A member of the public asked Cllr Benn to ascertain how much the Bourne Cicle event cost rate payers.  Action:  Cllr Benn to reply via the parish clerk.


19/22              Resignation of Parish Councillor and potential co-option.  Due to ill health it was with much regret that the PC had received a resignation as Parish Council from Roger Easton.  It was unanimously regretted and everyone’s thoughts were with Roger.   Action: Clerk to notify SKDC of the vacancy


19/23              Reports from District and County Councillors.  Cllr. Chris Benn gave a general update on SKDC and various changes to be implemented since the resignation of the CEO.  He informed the meeting of the process of voting the new CEO in place and various new appoints that would follow, also the need to adjust budgets to accommodate the Climate Emergency Framework policy.  Stressed that everyone is to be dealt with on an equal basis.   Cllr. Been confirmed that the accounts of SKDC had been subjected to the audit commission who found nothing untoward.


19/24              Financial matters.

19/25              To adopt updated NALC recommended Financial Regulations.  RESOLVED.

19/26              To commence process for preparation of 2020/21 Budget.  Action: Clerk and Chair to work on updating this for circulation to the CPC before the next meeting.

19/27              To approve Receipts and Payments account and bank reconciliation to 16/9/2019. RESOLVED

19/28              To Note money received since last Meeting.  – None - NOTED

                        To Approve Payments as follows:

19/29                          SKDC election costs £76.50 – already paid - RESOLVED

19/30                          LALC Cllrs training £15.00 – already paid - RESOLVED

19/31                          WEL Medical £120.28 Defibrillator £120.28 – already paid- RESOLVED

19/32                          S Gresty Clerk Qtr 2 salary £510.89 - RESOLVED

19/33                          HMRC Tax and NIC Qtr 2 £127.60- RESOLVED

19/34                          Lest we forget. Poppy cost £51.00- RESOLVED

19/35                          ARC computer virus and clean up paid by Clerk £76.00 – RESOLVED


With the loss of Roger, the requirement for a 3rd internet banking approval is needed as a matter of urgency.  Ben Haines to apply and be added.  RESOLVED


                        Planning: To receive the following:

19/36              S19/1483 Proposal: Outline Planning Permission for the erection of a one and half storey dwelling with approval being sought for access and scale.  Vine House, 19 High Street, Carlby PE9 4LX

The proposal plans were viewed at the meeting and discussed.  The consensus of opinion was that this proposal did not fit with Carlby Neighbourhood plan or that of SKDC.  Pre application advice had been given by SKDC officers to accept a dwelling in this proposal.  Which is for scale and access only local residents were not keen on proposals, No window size or location has been given.

John to draft a response that this proposal is not supported by the neighbourhood plan.  RESOLVED.

Action:  CPC to follow the neighbourhood plan and respond accordingly


19/37              Update:  Robinson Land east of Templeman Drive, Carlby in relation to the                               Neighbourhood Plan.   

JB restated the previous position and statements with regards to past discussions.

  1. The PC were approached by Savills as developers of the site to speak to CPC.  This was done on a private meeting after the CPC on 21st April 19.
  2. On 28th May 19 at the Carlby Village Public Parish Meeting (this is not a Parish Council Meeting so all attendees are members of the public in the village) the land outline received from Savills was shown to those present via chairman’s report.  Open discussion prevailed.
  3. It was noted that there is not currently a planning application for this. 
  4. Savills website section was displayed stating they are a development company and it was confirmed that Savills do not actually build houses.

The Clerk had received an email on Monday 23rd September dated 22nd September from Mr Robinson asking for clarification of some correspondence.  

Action:  Clerk to respond to email.

Mr Robinson in attendance, requested to speak.

The chair allowed this under rules of engagement within public speaking at PC.

Mr Robinson requested that the letter addressed to himself dated 1 April 2019 from Savills be posted on the website for public view a copy of which has been forwarded to the Clerk. All incoming communications are placed on the correspondence list of the following agenda for the November 26th meeting

A debate took place between Mr Robinson and the chair relating to various issues, the chair attempted to close down the debate as it had got out of control. This was requested several times before the chair managed to gain control and move on the remaining items on the agenda.

The chair agreed he would reply separately to Mr Robinson’s comments in his correspondence and would speak privately with him outside of the meeting.


19/38              Update: old EFI site and Whitfield Paddock.  Concept scheme reshown, Mr Whyles of Agri-link who was present at the meeting had no further updates to report.


19/39              Playing Field future update.  The transfer of responsibility for the playing fields is a complicated issue.  It is for Phil Norman and Angela Cardew, the 2 existing trustees to implement.  The process is:  to recruit at least 2 further trustees, this will enable them to either vote to dissolve the charity and pass management to the PC or with extra Trustees will enable them to continue as a committee.

CPC took advice from NALC which they passed to Phil and Angela, but unfortunately the PC cannot help with this issue as there are very strict rules set down by the Charity Commission for procedures.  

The PC have asked that the grass is kept cut with existing monies and agreed that the PC will take the basic costs into the precept for maintenance.   RESOLVED

It was suggested that an advert be place in the Village News for new Trustees.  Action: Angela Cardew to place advert.


19/40              Friendly Club Closure and returning of funds. An email has been received from Lesley Wickson notifying of the closure of the club and the wish to return the grant of £200 recently received.  The PC were sad that this has happened and would place the funds back into the grants available budget. 


19/41              Correspondence List was noted.


19/42              Matters for future meetings. There were none


19/43                 Reserved meeting 2019 dates:  Nov 26th. 2020 Jan 28th, Mar 25th.


Meeting closed at 20:22.




Chair : ___________________________________                        Date: ________________________________