October 2019 Minutes
Minutes of an Extraordinary Meeting of Carlby Parish Council on
Friday 18 October 2019 commencing at 7pm in Carlby Village Hall.
19/45 To Note apologies for absence. Received from County Cllr. Ben Haines.
19/46 To declare Declarations of Pecuniary interests on items on this agenda. There were none.
19/47 Open Forum for members of the public in attendance. (this session is for members of the public to comment on specific items on this agenda, also they may bring issues for possible consideration at future meetings)
- A member of the public, regarding S19/1669 below: expressed concerns at the proposed height of the buildings in excess of 6.5 metres at the tallest, this had been personally discussed with the applicant prior to the application. It was noted that past proposals for this site had been turned down for this reason.
Concerns were raised at the building not being in keeping with the traditional buildings at this end of the village not fitting with the principles of the Neighbourhood plan addressing scale and design.
b) Cllr. Dair suggested to CC Benn that SKDC were not referencing the NHP when considering Carlby planning proposals.
Action: CC Benn agreed to take this issue up with SKDC Planning to express the PC’s concerns stressing that Developers should be considering the CNDP first before submission and to consider whether their proposals fit with the CNDP in the first instance.
c) A member of the public asked for clarification of the process of planning decisions especially with regards the recent application S19/1483. Discussion on relationship to the CNDP and heights of roof ensued. It was noted that the next SKDC planning meeting was 13th November. The agenda of which is only published 1 week before
Members of the public can register to speak at the meeting
Planning: To receive the following:
19/48 S19/1669 Proposal: Proposed extension and alternations, including proposed vehicle access. Chestnuts Barn 62 High Street, Carlby PE9 4LX
Firstly the Chairman JB reported that prior to this meeting he had made a complaint to SKDC regarding the lack of public yellow planning notifications being posted outside proposed planning application properties. He was assured that SKDC is not legally obliged to display these notices but has logged that the village of Carlby have requested that they should still be displayed. As previous custom and practice
S19/1669. A detailed discussion on the planning issues took place with a response compiled as follows:
Carlby Neighbourhood Development Plan MADE March 2019 material considerations. Background rationale supporting the representations in objection.
NPPF 2019 section 2 item 14. In situations where the presumption (at paragraph 11d) applies to applications involving the provision of housing, the adverse impact of allowing development that conflicts with the neighbourhood plan is likely to significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits, provided all of the following apply:
a) the neighbourhood plan became part of the development plan two years or less before the date on which the decision is made;
b) the neighbourhood plan contains policies and allocations to meet its identified housing requirement;
c) the local planning authority has at least a three-year supply of deliverable housing sites
d) the local planning authority’s housing delivery was at least 45% of that required over the previous three years.
The Adopted Carlby Neighbourhood Development Plan March 2019. (CNDP)
The plan clearly promotes development in excess of the local plan by the inclusion of Brownfield site locally know as EFI land to the south of the village yet within its built envelope. The local community is working with the current land owner in consideration of domestic properties and industrial refurbishment, prior to any proposals.
NPPF 2019 Section 3 item 30: Once a neighbourhood plan has been brought into force, the policies it contains take precedence over existing non-strategic policies in a local plan covering the neighbourhood area, where they are in conflict; unless they are superseded by strategic or non-strategic policies that are adopted subsequently.
Section 4 Decision making item 49: Local Planning authorities, they should also, where they think this would be beneficial, encourage any applicants who are not already required to do so by law to engage with the local community and, where relevant, with statutory and non- statutory consultees, before submitting their applications.
NPPF Section 12, item 128. Applicants should work closely with those affected by their proposals to evolve designs that take account of the views of the community. As it is, proper to seek to promote or reinforce local distinctiveness. There has been NO communication from the applicant or the architect involved.
SKDC, Statement of Community Involvement 2018, Appendix 4: indicates for All other ‘Planning Applications’, a Site Notice or Notification to adjoining land owners or occupiers.
The word adjoining does not allow for others adjacent and across from, who will be missed, by only informing adjoining land owners or occupiers.
Any and all applications in Carlby should have a notice posted as previous custom and practise had established whatever the circumstances?
Note Page 35’ SKDC will ………………. (of Neighbourhood Plans)
Once adopted the Plan will form part of SKDC’s Development Plan. It will be a primary consideration in determining the outcome of planning applications relating to the neighbourhood or business area.
Addressing the proposed scale and design of the proposed development
Carlby Neighbourhood development plan: Conserving rural character
Areas circled in green Map 3 contribute greatly to the rural character of the village and must be protected to maintain this valued aspect, the atmosphere and character of the envelope.
D.2.1 Proposals for the replacement of an existing building will be supported, provided the new building is not materially larger than the one it replaces; This application increases the scale by 2.6 times from the extended converted traditional working barn foot print.
Development. The majority of Carlby residents involved in expressing their views, accept the need for development which will be limited to within the established confines of the village, conserving the unified village character without impinging on the highly valued rural nature of the parish
Policy V.0. Village rural character and appearance,
V.1. All proposed development, including conversions, extensions and new development, should ensure that the scale of buildings does not unacceptably impact on the character or appearance of the village. The proposed scale and design of a hip roof dramatically and unacceptably imposes on the character and appearance of the village. Especially the view of a tradition agriculture rural setting on the entrance to the village from the west.
V.2. Development which would have a negative impact, which impedes or changes the views and green spaces on the entrance to the west of the village will not be supported. This proposal has a negative impact, which impedes and changes the views and green garden space on the entrance to the village.
V.3. Developments which would affect ‘Carlby Rag’ dry stone and dressed wall features will be supported where they retain, repair and/or reinstate these vernacular materials as appropriate to the particular proposal. The proposed additional entrance is a further loss of Carlby irreplaceable rag stone walling in considering an alternative entrance to the site over and above the existing used entrance.
Policy D.0. Generic Development “where suitable & acceptable”
D.0.1. All new development should demonstrate good quality design that respects the scale and character of existing and surrounding buildings. Development proposals that would result in poor design that fails to take the opportunities available for improving local character and quality of an area and the way it functions will not be supported. The scale and design do not demonstrate an integrated blend of development and does not improve the local character of the function of an equine based agricultural village.
To resist inappropriate development of residential gardens,
To support the extension or alteration of a building provided that it does not result in disproportionate additions over and above the size of the original building; The proposed remodelling of this extended and converted traditional character farm barn is disproportionate over and above the size of the original building.
D.1.0. Proposals for new residential development and extensions to existing properties will be supported where the relationship between the built development and the plot size respects the open and spacious character of properties within the village envelope.
Here is a list of previous planning officer refusals and conditions for reference,
S03/0753 two storey dwelling refused
S04/0229, two storey dwelling refused
S07/6859 , glass porch refused impact on view to the entrance of the village.
SK94/0912, approved conditionally, end plot to be left undeveloped to allow the entrance view from the west to the village to remain of the traditional agriculture Lincolnshire barn.
The applicant has not shown an adjoining ownership of a large barn that uses the existing access and such the new proposed access is not acceptable to have two access to the dwelling.
The fact there is an existing two story traditional major farm house built in the 1800s is no reason to justify a even larger two story dwelling to block the traditional view into the village from the west.
Unanimously RESOLVED to accept the above response for submission to SKDC.
Action: CC Benn agreed to draw attention to this application with the senior planning officer of SKDC and Cllr. Bob Adam.
19/49 Play Field Committee update.
Cllr. Angela Cardew advised that there was no update from the Charity Commission. She had placed an advert for further Trustees in the Village news for November and would do a leaflet drop to all residents in the hope to assemble a new committee. She will update when there is more news.
19/50 Matters for future meetings.
19/51 Reserved meeting 2019 dates: Nov 26th. 2020 Jan 28th, Mar 24th.
The meeting Closed at 19:59 closed.
Chair: _____________________________________ Date: ________________________