July 18 - Parish Council Meeting

To: Cllrs.  Pete Holland (Chairman) John Bavister (Vice Chair), Lesley Sweeting and Chris Barnes.

You are hereby summoned to The Carlby Parish Council Meeting on

 18 July 2023 at 19:30 in the Village Hall

The business to be dealt with at the Meeting is listed below.
S Gresty
The public and media are cordially invited to join this meeting    
Public Forum: There will be a public forum when members of the public may ask questions or make short statements on items relating to the agenda below to the Council or suggestions for future meetings.  
23/24-37 Apologies: to receive any apologies for absence and reasons given.
23/24-38 Disclosure of Pecuniary Interests: To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011, and to consider any requests for dispensations in respect of disclosable pecuniary interests’
23/24-39  Minutes: To approve the minutes of :
a) 17 May 2023 Annual Parish Council meeting
b) 23 May 2023 Annual Parish Meeting
23/24-40 To receive reports from 
a)County and District Councillors 
b)Police  Reports are received and circulated and made available on website/noticeboard upon receipt.
23/24-41 To review, agree and adopt Code of Conduct  - To consider adoption of new SKDC Code of Conduct 
23/24-42 Casual Vacancies.  To receive and consider and resolve any new co option applications.
23/24-43 Finance & General Purposes : Financial matters presented by the Clerk as follows:
a) Financial Report for the period 01 April 2023 to 30 June 2023 with bank statements.
b) Resolve Payments as follows:
23/24-45 clerk salary Qtr 1 652.04
23/24-46 HMRC Tax and NIC Qtr 1 £162.80
23/24-47 Community Heartbeat replacement defib pads £80.34
23/24-48 Clerk Qtr 1 council expenses £144.36
23/24-49 Grant applications under Section 137(4)(a) of the local Government Act 1972-397 electorate x £9.93 = £3942 maximum allowance
i) Bowls Club request £250
ii) PCC for footpath grass maintenance request £1500
iii) Carlby Playing Fields Committee request £2615
23/24-50 HMRC VAT reclaim £227.80
23/24-51 Planning To receive planning applications since the last meeting and to discuss on going applications
S23/1140 Chestnut Barn, 62 High Street, vary conditions to s21/0281
S23/0922 Field on the North side of High Street, change of use of agricultural land to use as extended provision of the doggy day care centre
23/24-52 Emergency Plan.    Relocation of equipment box and update on its replacement items
23/24-53 Coronation Bench.  To consider and resolve a resubmission for a funding application for a bench.
23/24-54 To note Correspondence received from last meeting.  – see list below
23/24-55 To receive Items for Future Meetings
Sustainable Carlby update
Bus shelters
Playing fields
Risk Assessment and Management 
Date of future meetings:  2023: Wed 13 Sept, 21 Nov.   
2024: 16 Jan, 19 Mar, 21 May, 17 Jul, 17 Sept, 19 Nov
Correspondence Received since last meeting
Date rec’d From Who Subject
13 May Clerks - Doorstep crime awareness
19 May SuperInt. Coates - Letter of engagement
23 May SKDC Planning S23/0298 applications
23 May SKDC Planning S23/0671 application
26 May SKDC Planning S23/0915 applications
7 Jun SKDC Planning S23/0669 decision notice
5 Jun RCC Planning 2023/0120/NSIPCO mpsf
7 Jun SKDC Planning S23/0922 application
8 Jun SKDC Local development scheme 23-26
9 Jun MPSF Notification of hearings
14 Jun SBA Notification of exemption status
13 Jun LeisureSK Free defib training
26 Jun SKDC Planning S23/1140 application
27 Jun SKDC Planning S23/0298 decision notice
27 Jun Village Hall Committee Confirm replacement of EP items
30 Jun SKDC Debit ‘The Circuit@
3 Jul Cllr Robins Skdc cost of living help