May 17 - Annual Parish Council Meeting (Wednesday)

To: Cllrs.  John Bavister (Chair), Pete Holland (Vice Chair), Lesley Sweeting, Chris Barnes.

You are hereby summoned to The Annual Carlby Parish Council Meeting on

Wednesday 17 May 2023 at 19:30 in the Village Hall

The business to be dealt with at the Meeting is listed below.
S Gresty
The public and media are cordially invited to join this meeting                                                
23/24-01  Election of Chairman
a) Signing of Declaration of Acceptance of Office
23/24-02  Election of Vice Chairman
a) Signing of Declaration of Acceptance of Office
23/24-03  Confirmation of Parish Councillors and signing of Declaration of Acceptance of office.
23/24-04 Apologies: to receive any apologies for absence and reasons given.
23/24-05 Disclosure of Pecuniary Interests: To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011, and to consider any requests for dispensations in respect of disclosable pecuniary interests’
The meeting will be suspended to conduct the public forum
23/24-06 Public Forum: There will be a public forum when members of the public may ask questions or make short statements on items relating to the agenda below to the Council or suggestions for future meetings.  
Closure of public forum and commencement of parish council meeting 
23/24-07  Minutes: To approve the minutes of :
a) 21 March 2023 Parish Council meeting
23/24-08 To receive reports from 
a)County and District Councillors 
b)Police  Reports are received and circulated and made available on website/noticeboard upon receipt.
23/24-09 Casual Vacancies.  To receive and consider and resolve any new co option applications.
23/24-10 To review, agree and adopt the Regulatory Documents (all documents available on the website)
a) Standing Orders
b) Financial Regulations
c) Fixed Asset Register
d) Risk Assessment
e) Code of Conduct  - To consider adoption of new SKDC Code of Conduct 
f) All Policies and to consider any new policies required.
23/24-11 To note insurance provision from 1 June 2023 continuation of 3 year agreement with RHIB £454.58
Finance 2022/23 Year end
To Receive consider and resolve acceptance of the audited account.
Finance To Resolve acceptance of the following:
23/24-12 Internal Audit Report for Financial year 2022/23
23/24-13 Annual Governance Statement 2022/23(AGAR)
23/24-14 Dates for the exercise of public rights of inspection of 2021/22 accounts Monday 05 June-Friday 14 July 2023
23/24-15 Audit procedures for 2023/24
Current Year 2023/24
23/24-16 To confirm salary scales for Clerk from the NJC salary scale SCP 23
23/24-17 To confirm budgetary payments such as salary and HMRC payments, direct debits, mowing, Insurance, staff and councillor expenses if these fall between meeting dates.
23/24-18 Finance & General Purposes : Financial matters presented by the Clerk as follows:
a) Financial Report for the period 01 April 2023 to 30 April 2023 with bank statements.
b) Resolve Payments as follows:
23/24-19 Community heat beat replacement pads £91.20
23/24-20 LALC subscription £161.18
23/24-21 RHIB insurance £454.58
23/24-22 Carlby Village Hall £200 coronation event donation
Grant applications
23/24-23 Playing Fields Management Committee
23/24-24 Bowls Club
23/24-25 PCC church yard upkeep
23/24-26 SKDC precept £9541
23/24-27 Bank Signatories.   Clerk update
23/24-28 Planning To receive planning applications since the last meeting and to discuss on going applications
S23/0669 Letterbox Cottage, 45 High Street
S23/0767 The Coach House, 2A Church Street
Current feedback from PC letter regarding application s22/0538 Agri-Linc.
23/24-29 Emergency Plan.    Village hall disposal of emergency plan supplies and consideration of consequences.
23/24-30 Persimmons land. To receive update 
23/24-35    To note Correspondence received from last meeting.  – see list below
23/24-36    To receive Items for Future Meetings
Sustainable Carlby update
Bus shelters
Playing fields
Date of future meetings:  2023: 18 Jul, 1 Aug, Wed 13 Sept, 21 Nov.   
2024: 16 Jan, 19 Mar, 21 May, 17 Jul, 17 Sept, 19 Nov
Correspondence Received since last meeting
Date      rec’d From Who Subject
6 Apr     Democracy Uncontested election notice
12 Apr   SKDC Remittance precept
13 Apr   NI Mail MPSF pins meeting notification
20 Apr   BHIB Insurance Renewal 
26 Apr   MPAG Guidance for prelim. Meeting
26 Apr   Resident Planning s22/0538 concerns
1 May   Resident Planning s22/0538 concerns
5 May   LALC Management committee nominations
6 May   SKDC Planning S23/0767 condition change