January 17 - Parish Council Meeting

To: Cllrs. John Bavister (Chair), Cllr. Pete Holland (Vice Chair), Ian Dair, 

Angela Cardew, Sue Robinson & Lesley Sweeting

You are summoned to the Carlby Parish Council (CPC) meeting to be held on

17 January 2023 at 19:30 @ The Village Hall

The business to be dealt with at the Meeting is listed below.

Sarah Gresty  Clerk to the Council – 9/1/2023
The public and media are cordially invited to join this meeting         
22/23-122 Chairman’s Welcome and opening remarks
22/23-123 Open Forum for members of the public at which members of the public may ask questions or make short statements on items relating to the agenda below or to bring items for future discussions.
22/23-124 Record members present
22/23-125 Apologies: to receive any apologies for absence and reasons given.
22/23-126 Disclosure of Pecuniary Interests: To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011, and to consider any requests for dispensations in respect of disclosable pecuniary interests’
22/23-127 To approve Minutes
i. 15 November 2022 Parish Council meeting
22/23-128 Planning. To note any applications received since last meeting
i) Planning Application S22/0538 - Agri-Linc proposal of Heavy Commercial Manufacturing on old EFI site in Carlby. Resolve, for members of the public to speak under the direction of PC protocol.
22/23-129 Mallard Pass Solar Farm.  Registering as an ‘Interested Party’ and other Procedure Updates
22/23-130 To receive reports from 
a)County and District Councillors 
b)Police –  reports and newsletters when received are available on the website.
22/23-131 To receive Financial Report for the period 01 April – 31 Dec 2022 with original bank statements
22/23-132 To receive, consider and resolve.  Draft Budget Proposal for 2023/24 together with the precept request.
To Note Payments
22/23-133 S Gresty Clerk Qtr 3 salary with increment £735.04
22/23-134 HMRC Qtr 3 Tax and NIC £183.8
22/23-135 J Bavister Cllr travel expenses £21.00
22/23-136 S Gresty clerk expenses £200.01
22/23-137 Correspondence received from last meeting.  Listed below
22/23-138 Items for Future meetings
Sustainable Carlby update
Persimmons Land
Code of Conduct
Bus shelters to receive an update of grants available against costs of repair.
Date of future meetings at 19:30 in the Village Hall
Annual Parish Meeting date.   To fix a date between 1 Apr-1 June 2023
2023: 17 Jan, 21 Mar. 17 May, 18 Jul, Wed 13 September,  21 Nov 
Correspondence received from last meeting.  
2 Nov Adam Tuplin Grass tender enquiry
4 Nov SKDC Cost of living leaflet
4 Nov SKDC 23-24 precept documents
7 Nov Littlethorpe Bus stop quotations
9 Nov Police Newsletter
9 Nov Lincs Wildlife Christmas offer
10 Nov MPAG Update
10 Nov Eden Lincs DA poster
10 Nov Lloyds Bank statement
10 Nov TQ Ground Maintenance Tender enquiry
10 Nov MPAG Update
18 Nov LALC Civility and Respect news
18 Nov SKDC Planning Confirmation 2457021 response
18 Nov Char.gy Ev chargepoint info
22 Nov SKDC Planning S22/1974 decision notice
25 Nov SKDC Elections Electoral register form
30 Nov SAAA Confirmation of ext. auditors
1 Dec TSG Publicity Christmas bus schedule
2 Dec SKDC Democracy CofC training
13 Dec SKDC Planning S22/2030 decision notice
13 Dec YMCA Nov/dec news
20 Dec Cllr Gareth Davies MPSF update
29 Dec Argos Receipt for hard drive
5 Jan LCC Budget and council tax proposals
5 Jan Mallard Pass Solar Farm Letter under section 56 notice
5 Jan Mallard Pass Action Group Update
7 Jan Julie Shirley Research on youth council