September 13 - Parish Council Meeting

DRAFT: Minutes of Carlby Parish Council (CPC) Meeting held on 13 September 2023 at 19:30 in the Village Hall

Present:  Cllrs.  Pete Holland (Chairman) John Bavister (Vice Chair) and Chris Barnes.
In Attendance: 12 Members of the public, District Councillor Penny Robins and Sarah Gresty-Parish Clerk.  Colin Harrison bowls club and  Ben Whyles-Agri linc.
Public Forum: 
Colin Harrison chairman of the Carlby Bowls Club made a request for funding.  Every Wednesday through October to April the Club play in the village hall using a 4m wide mat the full length of hall.  Unfortunately, members are struggling to roll the mat back up for storage.   They have researched a specialist lifting device which costs approx. £1300 plus vat.  The Club have pursued funding however not been successful.  Therefore they would like to submit a grant application to the parish council.   Action:  Bowls Club to submit a grant application for consideration for year 24/25 funding.  Cllr. Robins will research any other funding opportunities such as the Shared Prosperity fund.  
23/24-56 Apologies were received from Cllr. Sweeting.  These apologies were unanimously accepted.
Other Apologies received from Cllr. Charlotte Vernon.
23/24-57 Disclosure of Pecuniary Interests: There were none.
23/24-58  Minutes: of:
a) 18 July 2023 Parish Council meeting were presented as a true and accurate record of events.  Proposed acceptance Cllr. Holland, Seconded Cllr. Bavister and unanimous in favour RESOLVED.
23/24-59 Reports from 
a)County and District Councillors  Cllr. Penny Robins Report was circulated by the Clerk after the meeting.
b)Police  Reports are received and circulated and made available on website/noticeboard upon receipt.
23/24-60 Casual Vacancies.  No new co option applications had been received.
23/24-61 Finance & General Purposes: Financial matters presented by the Clerk as follows:
a) Financial Report for the period 01 April 2023 to 31 August 2023 with bank statements 
b) Speed indicators batteries. A Unipart proforma invoice £331.82 for a replacement battery for the SID signs was presented.   Proposal: To purchase battery from Unipart Cllr. Holland, Seconded Cllr. Bavister and unanimous in favour.   Action:  Cllr. Bavister to arrange order
c) Resolve Payments as follows:
23/24-62 SKDC uncontested election costs £77.12
23/24-63 HMRC Qtr2 Tax and Nic £163.00
23/24-64 S Gresty clerk salary £651.84
23/24-65 ICO data protection dd £35
Proposal: to RESOLVE and ADOPT these financial records.  Proposed Cllr. Holland, Seconded Cllr. Barnes and unanimous in favour.
23/24-66 Planning no new applications had been received since the last meeting.  Amendment to s22/0538 were discussed as follows: 
s22/0538 Amended Plans dated 5 July, Lighting Details & Noise Impact Assessment Issue 4.
The Applicant of Agri-Linc gave an overview of the planning process journey and the subsequent amendments made. 
Changes Made to original application.
- Reduced working hours to 7.30 am - 5.30 pm Monday to Friday, 8am – 2pm on Saturdays and closed Sundays and bank holidays
- Ridge height reduced by 1.5m which is the lowest height to amalgamate the two warehouses
- Relocated the doors from the ends on the building to the front and back
- Doors are higher spec. and insulated and changed to composite from roller design.
- Manor road side loading ramp has been removed.
- Noise assessment report amended and in line with the manufacturing processes being done on site 
- 4m fence has been removed as the noise assessment now negates this
- Lighting clarification
- Retention of front hedge has been clarified and marked on plans.
Question: Cllr. Bavister asked about vehicular movements along the boundary of the site (close to Manor Rd) 
Response:  Discussion took place regarding possible redesigning of the road near Manor Road,  It was suggested in the meeting that the outer roadway might be amended.
A member of the public was relieved that the vehicle loading ramp had been removed and said that Agri Linc had listened to their concerns.
A member of the public questioned the noise report.  Removal of loading ramp was acknowledged however by moving the side door to the back was concerned that noise would now be coming from this direction.  Noise of grinders and manufacturing process’ were a concern.
An employee of Agri Linc spoke of the good road links for employment and that this development would clean and smarten the area.  
Question:  Cllr Holland questioned the excessive lighting planned for the site.   
Response: lighting was inwardly focused on the site and it has been determined based on movement of vehicles
A village resident thought the site was an eyesore at present and would be improved by the application and wanted to thank the applicant for making the concessions they have made and for listening to villagers.
Cllr Penny Robins advised the Parish Council that a copy of the conditions would be available as part of the Officer Report which would be published 7 days before the Planning Committee meeting. If the Parish Council have any conditions these could be included.  She recommended that these are included as part of the representation on the application. 
Cllr. Holland (Chairman) in summing up: 
It is clear that Agri Linc have engaged with the village and that concessions and alterations have been made to the application.  
SKDC LPA policies were stated DE1 b ensure there is no adverse impact on the amenity of neighbouring users in terms of noise, light pollution, loss of privacy.
E4 e: the proposal will not have an adverse impact on the character and appearance of the area and or the amenities of neighbouring occupiers.
The risk of noise impact remains the primary concern for the Parish Council and whilst we do principally support the application and the improvement to the site, we wish for the noise assessment No. 4 to be made into condition to give the village reassurance over this potential impact.   The B2 industrial class exists at present and has done so since 1991 and noise disturbance to the boundaries is covered in condition 3 which the parish council wishes to remain.   
Consideration has to be given to noise dust and exhaust fumes generated, operating at the boundary within 8-9 metres of the Manor Road properties.   Residents health and well being are a material consideration in planning and it is something that is of key concern to the parish council.  
Resolution: The Parish Council object to the application s22/0538 of the major industrial development as unsuitable, out of scale and proportion within the curtilage of the village for several reasons that will be outlined to the case officer by 29 September
Proposed Cllr. Bavister, seconded Cllr. Holland and unanimously agreed. RESOLVED.
23/24-67 Bus Shelters.  Cllr. Barnes gave an update on possible funding alternatives for replacement of the bus shelters.  Funding for full replacement was not easy to obtain.  Smaller funding pots of approx. £3k per shelter were a possibility.     Action:   Cllr. Barnes to pursue alternative funding.
Cllr. Holland to make contact with LCC to improve visibility of bus shelters by cutting back vegetation.
23/24-68 Emergency Plan.    Proposal:  To purchase integral plastic base storage unit £170 from Homebase for an external storage unit for emergency equipment unable to be stored inside the village hall.
Proposed Cllr. Holland, Seconded Cllr. Bavister and unanimous in favour RESOLVED.
23/24-69 Persimmon Land CPC accept clauses 12.4 – 12.8.3 as advised by Chatterton’s solicitors in their email 5 September 2023 with prejudice.    Action:  Clerk to notify Chatterton’s.   
23/24-70 Communications.  Proposal:  Statement CPC does not run or manage any village WhatsApp for Facebook groups, the Clerk will only use these medium as a noticeboard to circulate information.   Resolved and Adopted.  
All Councillors using these forums will do so as individuals.   The village WhatApp group is working well now has approximately 90 members.
23/24-71 Sustainable Carlby
Proposal:  CPC to adopt the following standard statement to be included in future planning responses:
Carlby Parish Council recognises the world is in a state of climate emergency and acknowledges we must act now to reduce our carbon footprint.
We request all property development work is built to high environmental and energy efficient standards (insulation, drought-proofing, efficient heating/cooling systems, rainwater harvesting) and that this be stipulated through planning approval.
Carlby Parish Council believe that it is important that any new materials match existing finishes, particularly on the front elevation. The building work should conform to the Village Design Statement 2013.
SKDC's Economic Development Portfolio Holder has approved, with effect from the 26th June 2013, the Carlby Village Design Statement and the Neighbourhood Development Plan for Carlby as accepted by the Cabinet member on the 12th March 2019. Who has made the decision that SKDC will make the Carlby Neighbourhood Plan part of the development plan for South Kesteven, a material planning consideration in the determination of planning applications.
Which is now depicted on the SKDC planning webpage.
Proposal: Cllr. Holland, Seconded Cllr. Barnes and unanimous in favour RESOLVED.
Cllr. Holland is compiling a list of local companies for future meetings.
23/24-72 Correspondence was noted from the agenda
23/24-73 To receive Items for Future Meetings
Risk Assessment and Management plan  update
Date of future meetings:  2023: 21 Nov.   2024: 16 Jan, 19 Mar, 21 May, 17 Jul, 17 Sept, 19 Nov
Meeting closed at 21:04