January 17 Parish Council Meeting

DRAFT : Minutes of Carlby Parish Council (CPC) meeting held on

17 January 2023 at 19:30 @ the Village Hall

22/23-122 Chairman’s Welcome.   Cllr. Bavister opened the meeting and welcomed all present. 
Introduced the Parish Council, District and County Councillors to the audience.
22/23-123 Open Forum for members of the public.  The procedure for asking questions in the meeting which will be by raising hand and directing questions to the chair and Vice chair. There were none other than the planning issue below.
22/23-124 Present: Cllrs. John Bavister (Chair), Pete Holland (Vice Chair), Ian Dair, Angela Cardew & Lesley Sweeting
In Attendance:  County Councillors Penny Robins and Charlotte Vernon, 24 members of the public, 3 members supporting Agri Linc Ltd and Sarah Gresty-Parish Clerk.
22/23-125 Apologies: were received from Cllr. Sue Robinson.  It was Resolved to accept this apology. 
22/23-126 Disclosure of Pecuniary Interests: There were none.
22/23-127 Minutes of 15 November Parish Council meeting were presented as a true and accurate record of events.  Proposed acceptance Cllr. Holland, Seconded Cllr. Sweeting and unanimous in favour.  Signed by chair. RESOLVED
22/23-128 Planning. 
i) Planning Application S22/0538 - Agri-Linc proposal of Commercial Manufacturing on old EFI site in Carlby. members of the public to speak under the direction of PC protocol.
The procedure for asking questions in the meeting by raising hand and directing questions to the chair and Vice chair was set out to the public. Speeches for or against have 3 minutes each. The clerk recorded, for Parish Council the issues raised by members of the public and responses by members of Agri-Linc for its records.
The subject was introduced by Cllr. Bavister with a visual impact slide presentation.
Subjects raised and discussed:
1. Height
2. Noise disturbance and mitigation
3. Overspray and hazardous materials from painting operation
4. Operational hours and vehicle movements
5. Exceptional circumstances
6. Light pollution adverse impact for residents  
7. Road Safety
8. Alternative layouts of the buildings and site
9. Environmental impacts
10. Rural character of the village against industrialisation
11. Health and wellbeing adverse impact
12. Deadline of representations
Responses by 3 members of Agri-Linc’s proposal to the questions above.   
1. Height is proposed for a state-of-the-art racking system.  With a modern up to date regulation building.
2&11. Noise disturbance and mitigation.  End access doors relocated and possibility for removal of fence.   However, fence is mitigation against the ramp and loading area remains a requirement.  
3. Hazardous material.  Confirmed paint spraying will be part of the operation.
4. Additional hours and exception circumstances.   Working hours have been reduced. 
Vehicle movements will grow with the business development.
5. Exceptional circumstances a proposal has been made.
6. Lights.  Has been designed as a requirement of safety for site movement.
7. Highways safety is being considered for the site entrance
8. Site layout. Has been considered.
9&10. Environmental impact.  Environmental impact assessment had been submitted to SKDC. 
An Agri- Linc 3D images presentation file was left for public view. 
12. Cllr Bavister
Deadline for response.   Deadline is up to the decision is made.  You can make representation of material considerations to the Planning committee/Officer up to the decision is made.
22/23-129 Mallard Pass Solar Farm(MPSF).  Susannah from the Action Group gave an overview of the current situation.   14 months has now passed, having had 2 pre applications public consultations and a huge amount of time in understanding the processes involved.  MPSF submitted their application to the Planning Inspectorate (PI) in Nov,  PI accepted this on 22 Dec.   The next stage is now triggered which is the pre examination.  
Susannah urged as many people as possible to register as an interested party by 2 March to PI.  Giving a summary of the key issues and concerns, to help shape and structure PI process. This will give the applicant the only opportunity to have a say to PI in the coming process which takes approx. 6 months.
Process timetable:  Examination starts approx. April.  4 weeks after this, registered parties will be asked to do a written representation, bringing arguments and evidence.
Spring 2024 - A decision.  
If application is successful Construction will commence in 2026 taking 2 years to construct.
Funds are still required for Legal and Landscape and Visual Reports.  Have to commission specialist reports.  
MP Action Group are producing a 4th leaflet to help give people the key elements to help with their responses. 
Action group can help anyone with their registration.
Alicia Kearns MP’s petition will be submitted in September for political lobbying.
Majority of current solar applications have been small and decided at local level.   This is so large it is classed as an NCIP.   The last of these in this area was Rutland Water.   National energy policy in government has changed 
22/23-130 To receive reports from 
a)County and District Councillors 
Cllr. Charlotte Vernon Report  
Cllr. Penny Robins Report
b)Police –  reports and newsletters when received are available on the website.
22/23-131 Financial Report for the period 01 April – 31 Dec 2022 with original bank statements and bank reconciliation was presented.  Proposal:  To accept these records Cllr. Holland, Seconded Cllr. Sweeting.  Unanimous in favour. RESOLVED.  
22/23-132 Budget Proposal for 2023/24 together with the precept request.
The budget was presented
Proposal:  To request a precept for 2023/24 of £9541 a 4.2% increase equating to a £44.36 charge per Band D property and increase of 1.79per household.
Proposed Cllr. Holland, Seconded Cllr. Sweeting and unanimous in favour. RESOLVED
Payments noted and confirmed
22/23-133 S Gresty Clerk Qtr 3 salary with increment £735.04
22/23-134 HMRC Qtr 3 Tax and NIC £183.8
22/23-135 J Bavister Cllr travel expenses £21.00
22/23-136 S Gresty clerk expenses £200.01
22/23-137 Correspondence was noted from the agenda
i) An email had been received and noted from a resident regarding fuel siphoning from vehicles.  The Clerk reported that this has been passed to the police.
22/23-138 Items for Future meetings
Sustainable Carlby update
Persimmons Land
Code of Conduct
Bus shelters to receive an update of grants available against costs of repair.
Date of future meetings at 19:30 in the Village Hall
2023: 21 March, Annual Parish meeting 25 April, Annual Parish Council meeting 17 May, 18 July, 
Wed 13 September & 21 November. 
Meeting Closed at 21:23