January 31 - Extra Ordinary Parish Meeting



DRAFT: Minutes for an Extra Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held on

Tuesday 31st January 2023 in the Village Hall





22/23-139       Chairman Welcome.  Cllr. Bavister welcomed those present he suggested that as there was only one item on the agenda, he would invite the public to speak on this subject at the relevant time.


22/23-140       Open Forum.  No one had any further topics.


22/23-141       Record of members Cllrs. John Bavister-Chair, Ian Dair, Angela Cardew, Lesley Sweeting and Sue Robinson

                       In attendance:  Cllr. Penny Robins, 2 Members of the public and Sarah Gresty-Parish Clerk.


22/23-142       To Note apologies were received from Cllr. Holland.  These apologies were unanimously accepted.

                        Other Apologies were received from Cllr. Charlotte Vernon.


22/23-143       Declarations of Pecuniary interests. There were none.


                        Planning:   To Note the following applications:

22/23-144       Application Proposal: s22/0538 Agri-Linc, Stamford Road, PE9 4LW.  Construction of commercial building to incorporate warehouse, workshop, showroom and trade counter, along with outdoor storage and display areas, and associated parking, following the demolition of existing buillt.  It was noted that after the meeting of 17 January Agri-Linc had been in discussion with  Cllr. Robins and was proposing some amendments to this planning application.  A draft letter to Agri-Linc had been circulated prior to the meeting to Councillors outlining 3 points of concern.  This was discussed and a few minor amendments suggested by Cllr. Dair.


Proposal:  To send the response letter to Ben Whyles of Agri-Linc as amended.  Proposed Cllr. Dair, Seconded Cllr. Robinson and unanimous in favour. RESOLVED.




The meeting closed at 20:35