May 17 - Annual Parish Council meeting

DRAFT: Minutes of the Annual Carlby Parish Council (CPC) Meeting on

Wednesday 17 May 2023 at 19:30 in the Village Hall

Present:  Cllrs.  John Bavister (Chair), Pete Holland (Vice Chair), Chris Barnes.
In Attendance:  3 members of the public and Sarah Gresty-Parish Clerk.
23/24-01  Election of Chairman
Councillor Pete Holland was nominated and elected as Chairman for 2023/2024 proposed by Cllr. Bavister, Seconded Cllr. Barnes unanimously. 
a) Councillor Holland signed his Declaration of Acceptance of Office
23/24-02  Election of Vice Chairman
Councillor Bavister was nominated and elected as Vice Chairman for 2023/2024 proposed by Cllr. Holland, Seconded Cllr. Barnes unanimously. 
a) Councillor Bavister signed his Declaration of Acceptance of Office
23/24-03  Parish Councillors who had been elected were confirmed as Lesley Sweeting and Chris Barnes Cllr. Barnes signed her Declaration of Acceptance of office and Cllr. Sweeting would do this at the Annual Parish meeting the following week.
23/24-04 Apologies for absence were received by Cllr. Sweeting.  These apologies were unanimously accepted.
Other Apologies: District Council Penny Robins and County Councillor Charlotte Vernon.
23/24-05 Disclosure of Pecuniary Interests: There were none.
The meeting will be suspended to conduct the public forum
23/24-06 Public Forum: 
Mr Whyles was attending to answer any further questions with regards to planning issue 23/24-28c.
Closure of public forum and commencement of parish council meeting 
23/24-07  Minutes  of 21 March 2023 Parish Council meeting were presented as a true and accurate record of events.  Proposed acceptance Cllr. Bavister, Seconded Cllr. Barnes and unanimous in favour RESOLVED.
23/24-08 Reports 
a)County and District Councillors. None received.
b)Police  Reports are received and circulated and made available on website/noticeboard upon receipt.
23/24-09 Casual Vacancies.  No application had been received.
23/24-10 An annual review of Council policies and regulatory documents has been carried out and the following to be actioned where required.  The Council RESOLVED to ADOPT the following documents. 
a) Standing Orders – No amendments
b) Financial Regulations – No amendments
c) Fixed Asset Register – To note the poor state of repair for bus shelters.
d) Risk Assessment – No amendments made
e) Code of Conduct  - To consider adoption of new SKDC Code of Conduct . The CPC code of conduct already in place was adopted until full council consideration for this item.  
Action:  c/f to next meeting
f) All Policies – No Amendments
Proposal: To accept all the Regulatory documents as stated above.   Proposed Cllr. Barnes, Seconded Cllr. Bavister and unanimous in favour. RESOLVED
23/24-11 Insurance provision from 1 June 2023 continuation of 3 year agreement with RHIB £454.58 NOTED
Finance 2022/23 Year end
Finance The following documents were presented:
22/23-12 Internal Audit Report for Financial year 2022/23
22/23-13 Annual Governance Statement 2022/23(AGAR) and confirmation of Exemption from External Audit.
Proposal:  to RESOLVE and ADOPT these financial statements.   Proposed Cllr. Bavister, Seconded Cllr. Barnes and unanimous in favour. 
22/23-14 Dates for the exercise of public rights of inspection of 2022/23 accounts Monday 05 June-Friday 14 July 2023.  AGREED
22/23-15 Audit procedures for 2023/24 was confirmed as Mr Joe Scott.  Thanks were expressed to Joe for his audit this year.
22/23-16 The Council confirmed salary scales for Clerk from the NJC salary scale SCP 23
22/23-17 The Council confirmed budgetary payments such as salary and HMRC payments, direct debits, mowing, Insurance, staff and councillor expenses if these fall between meeting dates would be authorised.
23/24-18 Finance matters presented by the Clerk as follows:
a) Financial Report for the period 01 April 2023 to 30 April 2023 with bank statements.
b) Payments as follows:
23/24-19 Community heat beat replacement pads £91.20
23/24-20 LALC subscription £161.18
23/24-21 RHIB insurance £454.58
23/24-22 Carlby Village Hall £200 coronation event donation
Proposal:  to RESOLVE and ADOPT these financial payments and statements.   Proposed Cllr. Holland, Seconded Cllr. Bavister and unanimous in favour. 
Grant applications requested received:
23/24-23 Playing Fields Management Committee £2615
23/24-24 Bowls Club £250
23/24-25 PCC church yard upkeep £1000
Proposal:  To formally accept the applications and resolve payments at the next parish council meeting.  Proposed Cllr. Holland, Seconded Cllr. Bavister and unanimous in favour.   Action: c/f resolution to next agenda.
23/24-26 SKDC precept £9541 – NOTED
23/24-27 Bank Signatories.   Sue Robinson would be removed from the mandate and Cllr. Barnes agreed to replace as an authorising signature.   Action Clerk to complete mandate.
23/24-28 Planning applications received since the last meeting
a) S23/0669 Letterbox Cottage, 45 High Street.  This application resulted in bringing an old cottage up to a modern standard for a family, however it was noted how large this would make the property.  
Proposal: To make comment on size and scale to SKDC planning but not to object.
Proposed Cllr. Holland, Seconded Cllr. Barnes.  Cllr. Bavister abstained. RESOLVED
b) S23/0767 The Coach House, 2A Church Street.  No further comments would be made.
c) Current feedback from CPC letter regarding application s22/0538 Agri-Linc to residents.
Mr Whyles from Agri linc was invited to give an update following the public consultations 
There were 63 visitors to the consultation on 16 March.
Concerns were raised but he thought it was overriding positive feedback.
Main concerns raised being lighting and noise.  Changes to the application have been made and an updated noise report is awaited before re submission of the application.
Other items addressed have been moving of the post in a site line of a garden.
Revised plans will be uploaded to the planning portal in next few weeks which will be open to public comment.
Cllr. Bavister has made comment regarding the concrete loading area to SKDC Planners.
Action:  Clerk was requested to send to Mr Whyles copies of residents’ comments, names redacted, collated by the parish council.
23/24-29 Emergency Plan.    Village hall disposal of emergency plan supplies and consideration of consequences. 
Resolution:  A complete replacement of the items disposed of should be made by the Village Hall Trustees.    Proposed Cllr. Bavister, Seconded Cllr. Holland and unanimous in favour. RESOLVED.
Action: Members of the Parish Council would attend the meeting of the Village Hall to report this resolution.
23/24-30 Persimmons land. No further update 
23/24-35    Correspondence was noted from the agenda
Addition Items: LALC nomination to management committee – No one was available to be nominated at this time.
  Mallard Pass Action Group.   The Clerk had attend on behalf of the parish council the Planning Inspectors Preliminary and Open Floor Hearing and read a statement collectively from Carlby, Ryhall and Belmesthorpe.
Action: Written Representation would be collated and submitted by the deadline of 15 June
23/24-36    To receive Items for Future Meetings
Sustainable Carlby update
Bus shelters and risk assessment
Playing fields and grants
Date of future meetings:  2023: 18 Jul, 1 Aug, Wed 13 Sept, 21 Nov.   
2024: 16 Jan, 19 Mar, 21 May, 17 Jul, 17 Sept, 19 Nov
8.49  closure