March 07 - Extra Ordinary Parish Council Meeting


DRAFT Minutes of an Extra Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 7th March 2023

in the Village Hall



22/23-145       Chairman Welcome

22/23-146       Open Forum for members of the public attending.

22/23-147       Record of members. Councillors: Chairman: John Bavister Vice-Chair: Pete Holland, Ian Dair, Sue Robinson and Lesley Sweeting.

                        In Attendance District Cllr. Penny Robins and one member of the public.

22/23-148       To Note apologies were received from Cllr. Angela Cardew.  It was resolved to accept these apologies.


22/23-149       Declarations of Pecuniary interests.  There were none.

22/23-150       King’s Coronation 

i.To consider and resolve quotations for a coronation bench

ii.To consider and resolve submission of an application for grant funding to SKDC.

iii.To consider and resolve decision if SKDC grant funding is unsuccessful.

iv.To consider positioning of the bench if purchased.

It was decided to focus the PC’s consideration on a commemorative bench for village Consideration of alternatives were discussed being a plaque that could be placed on the tree village green A specific quotation has been favoured for the grant request of the benchThe grant application will now be pursued, and will be, having reclaimed the VAT, below £1000 if the grant fails the PC will revert back to the proposal of a plaque    Resolved 4 for 1 abstention.



22/23-151       Application Proposal: s22/0538 Agri-Linc, Stamford Road, PE9 4LW.  Construction of commercial building to incorporate warehouse, workshop, showroom and trade counter, along with outdoor storage and display areas, and associated parking, following the demolition of existing buildings

Cllr Bavister brought the PC up to date with regard to planning application S22/0538 and possibility of further considerations from the PC. To date the clerk has not had the curtesy of a reply to then letter dated 2rd February requesting adjustments to the Application. We await any further amendments proposed to be forwarded via the planning department into the public domain.


Dates for the next meeting were tabled

21 March, std PC meeting

4 May, Local elections, don’t, forget your ID

17 May, the Annual Parish Council Meeting the first meeting of the new council

23 May, Parish meeting, the annual meeting of the village to make proposals and give direction to the

coming year.

18 July, 13 September, 21 Nov 2023 all meetings reserved Village hall 07:30pm