March 21 - Parish Council Meeting

DRAFT: Minutes of the Carlby Parish Council (CPC) meeting held on 21 March 2023 at 19:30 in the Village Hall
22/23-152 Chairman’s Welcome and opening remarks.  Cllr. Bavister opened the meeting and welcomed all those present.
22/23-153 Open Forum for members of the public 
A member of the Village Hall committee asked for information regarding the persimmon land and whether the telegraph pole would be able to be removed outside the village hall.   Response: The Parish Council had no updated news of the land transfer, the village hall could make a request to Persimmon for the removal of the pole and contact open reach for this to be done, meanwhile if they wished.
22/23-154 Record members present:  Cllrs. John Bavister (Chair), Pete Holland (Vice Chair), Ian Dair and Angela Cardew.
In Attendance:  County Councillor Penny Robins, 2 members of the public & Sarah Gresty-Parish Clerk. 
22/23-155 Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs. Sue Robinson and Lesley Sweeting.  It was Resolved to accept these apologies.
Apologies were also received from County Cllr. Charlotte Vernon.
22/23-156 Declarations of Disclosure of Pecuniary Interests. None received. 
22/23-157 Minutes of:
i. 17 January Parish Council meeting were presented as a true and accurate record of events.  Proposed acceptance Cllr. Holland, Seconded Cllr. Dair and unanimous in favour.  Signed by the chair-RESOLVED
ii. 31 January Extra Ordinary Parish Council meeting were presented as a true and accurate record of events.  Proposed acceptance Cllr. Holland, Seconded Cllr. Dair and unanimous in favour.  Signed by the chair-RESOLVED
iii. 7 March Extra Ordinary Parish Council meeting were presented as a true and accurate record of events.  Proposed acceptance Cllr. Holland, Seconded Cllr and unanimous in favour.  Signed by the chair-RESOLVED
22/23-158 Planning. To note any applications received since last meeting
The clerk had received via the SKDC weekly planning listing report on the day of the meeting notice of a forthcoming application s23/0298-Dovedale, 4 Farriers Way. 
22/23-159 To receive reports from 
a)County and District Councillors 
Cllr. Robins gave a brief outline of her report. Which can be read in full here
b)Police –  reports and newsletters when received are available on the website.
i)  Parish Policing Priority Setting Meeting Feedback Form in conjunction with local Neighbourhood Policing Teams in North and South Kesteven deadline 26th March 2023.   Action: Cllr. Holland to complete this and submit.
22/23-160 Financial Report for the period 01 April – 01 Feb 2023 with original bank statements were presented by the Clerk.  
Payments noted
22/23-161 S Gresty Clerk Qtr 4 salary £651.84
22/23-162 HMRC Qtr 4 Tax and NIC £163.00
Proposal: To accept the financial records presented as the correct statement of accounts.  Proposed Cllr. Holland, Seconded Cllr. Cardew and unanimous in favour-RESOLVED.
It was noted that a donation of £100 contribution from Adam Jaggar towards the persimmon land footpath, when ownership is complete, towards its renovation costs has been received.
22/23-163 SKDC Code of Conduct.  It was decided that this would be c/f to the next meeting when full council would be in attendance.   Proposed Cllr Bavister, Seconded Cllr. Holland and unanimous in favour.
22/23-164 King’s Coronation update a grant application had been submitted to SKDC for a bench and a decision is awaited. 
22/23-165 Correspondence was noted from the agenda for this meeting.
The clerk had received an email from SKDC Local Economic forum asking if CPC would like to be a participant in the £3.9 UK Shared Prosperity Fund administration.   Action:  Clerk to reply expressing an interest in taking part.
22/23-166 Items for Future meetings
Sustainable Carlby update
Persimmons Land
Bus shelters to receive an update of grants available against costs of repair.
Playing fields
Code of Conduct
Date of future meetings at 19:30 in the Village Hall
2023:  17 May-Annual Parish Council Meeting, 18 Jul, Wed 13 September, 21 Nov 
Annual Parish Meeting
A cheese and wine event for all villagers at 19:00 on Tuesday 23 May
The meeting closed at 20:20