Policy - Grant Awards-Reviewed 22/5/2024

Policy - Grant Awards-Reviewed 17/5/2023
a) Carlby Parish Council will consider grants from voluntary groups or charitable organizations.
b) To qualify for an award the applicants must demonstrate that any funding received from Carlby Parish Council will benefit the Parish, or residents of the Parish.
c) Grant applications should be submitted by 31 October in the year before the Grant payment.
d) Grant applications will usually be considered by the full Carlby Parish Council, at its meeting in January each year.
2.   Applications will be considered for the following purposes:
a) For purchasing equipment either in part or in full.
b) For the funding of transport that will enable group members to take part in a group trip or outing regardless of their incomes.
c) For activities that raise the profile of the area.
d) To assist with the running costs of a viable group.
e) For the provision of recreational facilities.
a) Grants will not be awarded to individuals.
b) The award must be used for the purpose for which the application was made.
c) A representative of the group or organisation making the claim must be prepared to attend a Parish Council Meeting to discuss their project, if required.
d) If the group is unable to use the funds for the stated purposes, all monies must be returned to Carlby Parish Council.
e) All awards must be properly accounted for and evidence of expenditure should be provided, if required.
f) Donations to Registered Charities in response to general fundraising appeal may be considered if there is a benefit to residents of the Parish.
g) Organisations must submit their previous year’s account with the application.
h) This policy may be amended at any time by Carlby Parish Council following a motion having been published on a Meeting Agenda beforehand.
4.   Eligibility
a) Any Charity, Voluntary Group or Community Organisation operating within the parish.
b) Agencies that operate within the Parish and are of benefit to the local community, with the following proviso:
Carlby Parish Council will not fund activities that it considers to be the responsibility of a Statutory Authority eg South Kesteven District Council/Lincolnshire County Council.
5.         Submission of Application:
a) Applications must be submitted to the Parish Clerk by 31st October for consideration in the following year’s budget (financial year April-March). The Parish Clerk’s contact details are shown at the top of this document.
b) The application form must be completed in block capitals
c) The applicant should retain a copy of the form.