Targets 2025-26


Targets for 2025-26

On-going work

a. Seek to ensure that planning applications continue to be assessed within the principle and detail of the Carlby Neighbourhood Development  Plan, with particular reference to maintaining Carlby’s ragstone heritage

b. Carry out regular inspection, with necessary repairs and maintenance, of assets i.e. bus shelters,  notice boards, defibrillator, emergency equipment, village sign; ensure that grit bins are filled as required

c. Ensure green spaces are cut timeously and effectively

d. Continue improving the engagement of the PC with villagers via village organisations, encourage financial planning amongst grant applicants, annually update the PC’s own 5 year financial plan;

e. Continue to press authorities about on-going issues - state of roads and footpaths, dog fouling, with emphasis on achieving measures for a safer crossing of main road at bus shelter

f. Ensure that Council proceedings and procedures accord with regulatory requirements and protocols e.g. DPA , Good Councillors Guide, Standing Orders (as guided by the Clerk)

g. Arrange appropriate training for new councillors via LALC

h. Continue to press on reducing speeding through the village; take part in village speed watch initiative when appropriate arrangements can be made.


i. Assess the effectiveness of our Neighbourhood Development Plan to consider updating, in light of planning development decisions

j. Review effectiveness of Council’s communication methods

k. Where appropriate and possible, encourage “greening” policies/actions in Carlby, in support of local or county initiatives

l.To build general reserves of the parish council to 50% of the precept (over 5 years – ending 2029/30)