Policy - Document Retention




Last Reviewed: 22 May 2024



Carlby Parish Council recognises that the efficient management of its records is necessary to comply with its legal and regulatory obligations and to contribute to the effective overall management of the Parish Council.

This policy applies to all records created, received or maintained by the Parish Council in the course of carrying out its functions. Records are defined as all those documents which facilitate the business carried out by the Parish Council and which are thereafter retained (for a set period) to provide evidence of its transactions or activities. These records may be created, received or maintained in hard copy or electronically.

A small percentage of the Parish Council’s records will be selected for permanent preservation as part of the Council’s archives and for historical research.


The Parish Council has a corporate responsibility to maintain its records and record management systems in accordance with the regulatory environment. The person with the overall responsibility for the implementation of this policy is the Clerk to the Parish Council, and the Clerk is required to manage the Council’s records in such a way as to promote compliance with this policy so that information will be retrieved easily, appropriately and in a timely manner.

Retention Schedule

Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the General Data Protection Regulations 2018, the Parish Council is required to maintain a retention schedule listing the record series which it creates in the course of its business. The retention schedule lays down the length of time which the record needs to be retained and the action which should be taken when it is of no further administrative use.

The Clerk is expected to manage the current record keeping systems using the retention schedule and to take account of the different retention periods when creating new record keeping systems. This retention schedule refers to record regardless of the media in which they are stored.

Retention of Documents

The table below shows the documents / data the parish council is likely to hold, and the retention periods relating to each type of data, with a reason provided for each of the retention periods used. The retention periods are often stipulated or governed by statute or other provisions. Further information can be found in the references identified in this policy.



Minimum Retention Period


Minute Book



Annual Accounts



Annual Return



Receipt and Payment Accounts



Certificate of Employer’s Liability


Audit / Legal

Certificate of Public Liability


Audit / Legal

Allotments register and plans


Audit, Management

Asset Register

Indefinite (kept up to date)


Deeds, Leases, Investments


Audit / Management

Salary and Wages Records

12 years


Agenda Papers

6 years


Receipts Books

6 years


Scale of fees and charges

6 years


Cheque Book stubs (as a proxy for paid cheques)

6 years

Limitation Act 1980 (as amended)

Quotations and tenders

6 years

Limitation Act 1980 (as amended)

Paid Invoices

6 years

Limitation Act 1980 (as amended)

VAT records

6 years (20 years for any VAT on rents)


Petty Cash, Postage and Telephone Books

6 years

Tax, VAT, Limitation Act 1980 (as amended)

Tax and National Insurance

6 years

Audit / Management / HMRC

Insurance Policies

6 years

Audit / Management / Legal

Lettings diaries & hire contracts relating to use of Council facilities, including football pitch

6 years



Last completed audit year, + 3 years

Audit / Personal Injury

Bank Statements

Last completed audit

Audit / Management

Paying in Books

Last completed audit

Audit / Management

Members’ records, including declarations of interest

While Valid


Employees’ records

While Valid


Electors’ records (register, other schedules)

While Valid


CCTV records

While Valid

As set out in the CCTV surveillance policy

Correspondence not otherwise covered in this schedule

While Valid

Audit / Management / Other


Planning Applications

All planning applications and relevant decision notices are available at South Kesteven District Council a link to SKDC website is provided on the website of Carlby Parish Council. There is no requirement to retain duplicates locally. All Parish Council recommendations in connection with these applications are recorded in the Council minutes and are retained indefinitely.


Correspondence received in connection with applications will be retained as stated below:

  • Declarations of acceptance Term of Office + 1 year
  • Members register of interests’ book Term of Office + 1 year
  • Complaints 1 year
  • Routine correspondence and e-mails 6 months – these are noted on each agenda in list form
  • General Information 3 months
  • Website:…….


Information register

The Parish Clerk will retain an information register identifying information held by the parish council and its disposal date.

Disposal procedures

All documents that have reached their disposal date and are no longer required for administrative reasons will be shredded and disposed of.

Electronic copies of documents will be deleted and removed from archived when they exceed their retention periods.

Retention of Documents for Legal Purposes

Most legal proceedings are governed by the Limitation Act 1980 (as amended). The 1980 Act provides that legal claims may not be commenced after a specified period, which depend upon the type of claim in question. The table below sets out the limitation periods for the different categories of claim:

Category of Claim

Limitation Period

Negligence (and other ‘Torts’)

6 years


1 year


6 years


12 years

Sums recoverable by statute

6 years

Personal Injury

3 years

To Recover Land

12 years


6 years

Breach of Trust



Where the limitation periods are longer than other periods specified in the retention table set out above, the documentation relating to any claim should be kept for the longer period specified.



  • National Association of Local Councils (NALC) Legal Topic Note 40, September 2016, “Local Councils’ Documents and Records”
  • Arnold Baker on Local Council Administration
  • NALC Model Financial Regulations
  • Data Protection Act 1998
  • General Data Protection Regulations (2018)
  • Data Protection Bill 2017